Thursday, December 22, 2011


aritu ada orang tanya aku,
" apa yang best sangat main volley eh? sebab dia tak banyak gerak ke? best ke tampar bola?"
aku pon jawab...
" terasa kepuasan bila kau dapat tampar bola tu and selamatkan bola bila dia ada kat kawasan kau...macam in a mission gitew "

lepas tu pernah jugak orang tanya,
" kenapa kau amik medic? kau suka eh tengok darah2 ni?"
aku rilek je jawab...
" seronok kot tolong orang. at the same time dapat buat duit hihihi "

tapi sebenar-benarnya..aku takde jawapan utk kedua-dua soalan tu..
sebab bagi aku, soalan tu sama macam bila orang tanya,

" kenapa kau suka dia? dia hensem eh?"
memang lah aku jawab...
" kau tengok la senyuman dia. caiiiiiirrrr..kalau hari2 tengok senyuman dia,bahagia hidup aku kah3"

tapi sebenarnya bukan itu sebab utama dia.

dan utk ketiga-tiga soalan...sungguh aku takde jawapan yg pasti.

sebab bila dah suka, tak perlukan alasan utk apa-apa :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

missing you.

there's no other words that i could use,
but these 3 words ' i miss you '
for the word miss may be too strong
or may be too weak
or may not describe well how my heart feels right now.

but i do miss you.
the pleasant of your smile
the warmness of your thoughts.
how easy things were back then.

i miss you.
you may not think of me the same
or you don't think about me at all.
but i do.
i think about you a lot.

good luck in the upcoming exam. dearest friend. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

masa itu.

if i have the chance to go back in time, i'd go back to the moment right before we ever met. and prevent everything from happen. prevent me from knowing you. so that this heart could never break this way.

but then again, if i am from the future, i've already know that i will get to know you, i will fall in love with you, and i will be heartbroken by you. so, what's the point of ignoring? coz the pain is already there.


dah lama tak bercakap perihal diri sendiri. asik cakap benda mengarut dan random je kan. hewhew. anyways, exam dah dekat, lagi sebulan lebih sikit. but i feel like my effort for this semester is not enough. notes are not as many as last last sem's..have to work hard. but the thing is, at time like this i always feels like " you know what, its too late already for you to starts now " and there's the stupid thought of " aku study bagai nak rak, result sama je mcm org study last minute ".. in conclusion, bad thoughts fill my mind. dugaan sangat. bagi aku antara dugaan yang besar dan berat ialah apabila aku kena berperang dengan diri sendiri. aku pon nak excel jugak. but its not about the marks all over, its really about gaining the knowledge. aku suka bila aku ingat ilmu tu sebab aku paham, bukan aku paham ilmu tu untuk exam sahaja. sebab, nanti dah jadi doktor, takkan aku nk kena bukak balik buku bila patient tanya "saya sakit apa eh doktor?"?? tak cool lah kan. hee.

dan bila exam nak dekat mcm biaselah, rindu rumah. rindu abah. rindu abang2. rindu ikan2. rindu kereta atos hitam. rindu pasar malam. dan paling rindu arwah mama. sampaikan setiap malam sebelum tidur mesti teringat dekat mama. lagi2 bila belajar diseases. barulah nmpk the severeness of mom's disease dulu. tapi masa tu aku taktau. dan aku sedih sebab aku taktau waktu tu. kalau tahu, boleh make sure dia betul2 berpantang. makan ubat ikut time semua. semua tu ada effect pada treatment rupanya. arwah mama pon sama macam aku, degil. tapi bila org tersayang bagi nasihat, selalunya akan ikut jugak. kenapalah aku tak belajar medic dari dulu. tapi, benda dah jadi kan. lagipon kalau dah takdir Tuhan nak tarik nyawa dia pada tarikh tu, dia tetap akan pergi juga. kita yg hidup ni, yg sihat ni, pasti ke akan hidup lagi esok hari? kita taktau kan. orang sihat walafiat pon kalau dah ditakdirkan Allah untuk pergi, akan pergi juga kan. :) takpelah, aku terima ujian Allah ni walaupun berat kadang2 rasa. kenapa Allah uji, sebab Allah sayang. terima kasih ya Allah kerana masih menyayangi hambamu yang banyak khilaf ini. :')

dan disebabkan masa tidak boleh diputar kembali, buatlah yg terbaik utk diri sendiri. tahu mana kelemahan kita, perbaiki. mana silap kita, berubah. mana kurang kita, tambah.

baiklah. beransur dahulu. maafkan emosi.

p/s: tournament volley minggu depan! semoga dapat buat yg terbaik. insyaAllah.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

uncertain hope

saya harap hubungan kita macam artis dengan peminatnya,
bila awak jatuh, saya ada utk buat awak rasa lega
bila awak gembira, saya turut sama gembira. :)
walau ada yg mencaci menghina dan tidak suka,
awak teruskan juga perjuangan itu utk peminat awak seperti saya.

saya harap hubungan kita macam artis dengan peminatnya,
dari kecil sehingga besar,
dari muda hingga tua,
dari bujang hingga beranak dua,
tidak kira status awak,
saya tetap akan bersama awak.
bukan untuk menjadi perampas, pembeban, dan bukan utk meminta lebih dari apa yang ada,
hanya mahukan hubungan seperti artis dengan peminatnya.

saya harap hubungan kita macam artis dengan peminatnya,
kalau saya rindu, saya masih boleh tatap wajah awak,
kalau rasa duka, saya masih boleh dengar suara awak,
walau tiada khabar berita, saya akan tetap bersama awak,
sebab awak artis saya,
dan saya peminat awak.
dan peminat akan tetap bersama awak.

kalau awak salah, saya harap awak berubah,
kalau awak betul, saya berharap utk yg terbaik utk awak.

awak tau saya ada,
tapi awak tak kenal pon siapa saya,
tapi tak penting sangat pon,
yang penting saya tahu semua pasal awak.

saya harap hubungan kita macam artis dengan peminatnya,
takkan padam,
takkan ada penghalang.
sebab saya sayang awak.
tapi, awak bukan untuk saya.
dan rasa sayang itu tak mungkin padam untuk awak.

awak artis saya.
dan peminat awak hanya saya.

Friday, December 2, 2011

salam maal hijrah 1433H

salam maal hijrah 1433H ! :D

okay tahu dah lambat 6 hari :p tapi yg penting sekarang dah masuk tahun baru. InsyaAllah,mudah-mudahan tahun baru ni akan berjalan dengan lancar dan yg paling penting,diredhai Allah. azam utk tahun ni,mestilah nak berubah ke arah yg lebih baik. biiznillah. :) semoga apa yang terjadi di tahun lepas, akan dijadikan sempadan dan tauladan.

awal2 tahun dah diuji. bangun pagi pergi kelas at 8,lepas tu tggu punya tggu,rupa2 nya kelas pagi tu ditunda pukul 1..and the next class adelah pukul,takkan nak duduk uni,pulanglah ke rumah..pastu,pukul 10.30am tu ada discussion dengan doctor regarding student presentation minggu saye present..hewhew..dah on the way,lagi beberapa tapak nak sampai fakulti dah,pblmate call n ckp "korang,tak pyh dtg pon takpela,doktor ni nk tgk kejap je.."..... >.< takpelah. org cakap bersusah-susah dahulu,bersenang-senang kemudian kan.ngeeee. hopefully :3

oh by the way, haritu diorang ni semua rajin pergi google nak tahu tarikh lahir masing2 dalam bulan Islam, and it turns out that saya lahir pada 4 Muharram 1409. yeay happy birthday to me. errr.yang ke 24? -.- k dah tua. i know. :3

marilah berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. ^__^

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

don't just leave me hanging on...

you know, each time i saw u on the streets, i just have to look away for awhile, before i can look back at your face. why? while looking away, these things were on my mind :-

  • i hope i look okay
  • taking a deep breath. like, deeeeeeeeep breathhhhhhhhh.......
  • do i have any zits on my face? if i do, i hope u didn't notice it
  • i'm gonna smile at you. *ready for a big smile*
  • i hope my face is not showing how much my heart actually jumps when i see you
  • let's plan for a nice conversation with you
  • i hope i don't do or say anything silly in front of you
  • please don't trip. please don't trip. please don't trip. and please don't melt >.<
  • i hope you get the best image of me.

yeah. in a split second, that's how things r running inside my head. i just want to appear as perfect as any human being could be. especially when i'm with you.

and after that, even though i didn't  look back at you, i hope YOU look back at me afterwards.

photo source : tumblr

that's how much i'm in love with you. though i know i'll never get your love. :')

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

i know you knew

a friend of mine has made me wonder upon this one thing:-

"Based on psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love"

if this is true, them i'm already in love :">

i'm in love with my crush. haha! ok senget sangat statement.

walaupun aku rasa lagu najwa latif bunyi semua lebih kurang, this song is definitely better than cinta muka buku. like,waaaaaayyyy better. though its weird that dalam hati kau ada carta,as if kau suka ramai gila org but he's ur no one..aiyark!

i have only you tau in my heart. :3

p/s: 1st time tulis tajuk dulu baru buat post. :3
p/p/s: ZA kawen besok. acaner perasaan? agagaga. >.<
p/p/p/s: i still do.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

oh, indah~

macam tak percaya kita pergi holiday together. walaupon kau dgn kawan2 kau,aku dgn kawan2 aku...tapi tetap,we're going TOGETHER. sumpah comel..memang hobi aku lah kan,amik gmbr kau curi2..walaupon aku tau kalau aku nk amik gmbr kau,kau suka je nak pose depan camera tu..hihihi..

that day kita masuk shopping mall. the girls semua serbu the bags and makeups sections..yg lelaki usha2 baju..yadayadayada..dah berapa lama dalam tu,aku nmpk kau dekat cashier..taktau kenapa,time tu i have this huge urge to go towards you..and so i did..aku tunggu je kau dekat tepi cashier tu smpai kau abis bayar..sambil2 tu aku usha salesgirl sorang ni,pergh,lawa kot..haha ok im not a lesbian tapi sumpah lawa weh minah tu..sedar2 je kau dah abis byr,n kau pergi dekat aku..and you saw me looking at smthing,and you asked " tengok apa?? " and i told you " salesgirl tu lawa gila kot, dah mcm lisa surihani haha " and the we walked together...kau jalan depan aku,tiba-tiba,kau berhenti, pusing belakang, and hulur tangan kau. " jom, nak makan lah, lapar "..and tanpa segan silu, aku capai tangan itu..then we walked towards a crowded place. lepas tu kwn aku panggil " awakk..tunggu " so i reached out my other hand and tarik tangan kawan aku tu..pastu dgn selambanya aku cakap " sorrylah satu tangan je available ni,satu lagi tgh busy :p" lepas tu melopong mulut kawan aku bila dia perasan yg kau tgh pegang tgn aku..haha..kelakar..and then kwn aku terus cakap "dah agak dahh...tak lama korang ni mesti bercinta punyaaa" ..hee funny she said that..sebab aku sendiri masih tak percaya kau tgh pegang tangan aku..kau pandang aku,kau senyum je,n kau genggam erat tgn aku dan tarik kami pergi.

we were walking towards the food court, and let me tell you, it was the best walk i've ever had. exaggerate sangat kan, padahal jalan2 biase je dgn kau..sumpah rasa melayang kejap bila kau pandang aku that way..bila kau senyum and treated me with your smile. terasa special :3 dah sampai food court, finally, and pilih2 makanan, and so you have to let my hand go. lepas tu makcik cashier was babbling smthing about a festival yadayada when suddenly,i feel a shake on my body. i closed my eyes, and when i open it, i was on my bed, lying. and my phone is vibrating.

yes people, it was a dream.

apahal la sweet sangat kau ni sampai nak masuk mimpi aku? haih.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

challenge accepted? its 16 november already. remember on 11/11/11, i challenged my readers to do something for themselves? so, what did you do? :)

some of my friends did accept the challenge, and i was like, okaayy that's cool! and ada jugak a few friends yg achieve what they want a few days after. tehehe. so what if it happens on 13/11/11 ?? or 14/11/11? or whatever date it will be, all of them only comes once in a thousand years jugak! ^__^

there are people who,when being challenged like that,tend to do things more actively,or baru tergerak hati nak buat, sebab kena cabar. so the main reason i did the challenge is actually not for you to have a memorable thing on 11/11/11,but to realize that, you can do it, if you want to. its in the power of will :) everyday is special, so y not make ur everyday worth? :)

p/s: saya masih melangkah kecil.

Monday, November 14, 2011

suatu petang. suatu kisah.

tadi, i nampak you.
dari jauh i dah tau tu you.
i kenal baju you. i kenal rambut you. i tau tu semua kawan2 you.
ekhem. i dah nervous. i dah betul2kan rambut i.
lap2 peluh dekat hidung.
tarik2 baju kasi kemas.
make sure badan tak bau. ah. bau perfume paris hilton pulak :)
nampak reflection dekat fire extinguisher tu. ah, okay. comel dah. hik hik.

you jalan ke arah i. 
mata you tengok i. i senyum. i lambai you.
you angguk.
you terus berjalan ke i.
i berdiri kaku. nervous.
you tegur i. eh nak balik dah? samalah. okay. 
sekarang you dengan i berjalan pulang. berdua. bersama.
sumpah rasa macam atas pelangi. bahagiaaaa :D

you. i dah lama nak cakap.
kadang-kadang i rasa macam i taknak cakap.
i rasa you tahu.
i suka you. 
tiba2 berani mulut i cakap.
i sendiri terkedu. malu nak tengok muka you.
tapi i gagahkan diri,dah pandai mulakan kenalah berani utk tahu kan?
i angkat kepala, tatap muka you.

air muka you berubah.
you senyum hambar.
ouch. tachycardia. kencang jantung mengepam darah.
tangan dah mula menggigil.
peluh dah mula menitis. 
i tunggu reaksi you.
you senyum lagi. kosong.

tiba-tiba you berhenti.
you suruh i pandang muka you.
saya pon suka awak, tapi, saya tak sangka awak pon suka saya.
awak cantik. awak ada karakter.
saya tahu ramai orang suka awak.
facebook awak, twitter awak, blog awak, semuanya saya baca.
dan saya tau awak ramai peminat.
jadi saya ingat, siapalah saya utk mencuba.

mungkin salah saya, sebab tak berani approach awak.
ye saya penakut. pengecut. saya tak sanggup kalau tidak yg awak jawab.
betul, saya suka awak.
tapi, tu dulu.
sekarang, hati saya sudah berpunya.

terngiang-ngiang 4 perkataan terakhir you.
hati saya sudah berpunya.
i diam. i tunduk malu.
i rasa bodoh. rasa nak lempang muka sendiri.
you macam tahu apa i pikir.
you pegang bahu i.
you angkat dagu i, suruh i pandang you.
awak, saya appreciate keberanian awak.
saya harap kita masih boleh berkawan kan?
coz it'll be a total lost kalau saya hilang manusia berharga macam awak.

you memang.
selalu buat hati i gundah gelana.
dari dulu sampai sekarang.

you teruskan perjalanan.
i ikut ajer.
betul, hati i hancur dengan ayat you.
tapi i lega dapat luahkan apa yang terbuku. 
terima kasih you. sebab berterus terang.

i tetap pandang you sama macam selalu :')

Sunday, November 13, 2011

peti suara :)

ada sesuatu dalam suara awak. bila saya dengar, saya rasa tenang.
suara awak tu, familiar sangat di halwa telinga saya.
dalam banyak2 suara yang ada, suara awak jugak gegendang telinga saya dapat tangkap.
kalau pon di lautan manusia, dalam hiruk pikuk kota, kalau suara awaklah yang menyeru nama saya, serta merta saya sahut. sebab suara itu, gemersik itu, nada yang indah itu, saya kenal. :)

kadang-kadang rasa macam nak ambil peti suara awak, simpan dalam peti besi saya. supaya suara itu saya seorang yang boleh dengar.

awak, saya jatuh cinta dengan suara awak lah. :">

p/s: jangan gosip please. ini random. haha.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

i challenge you :)

tomorrow is 11/11/11...a pretty date that only occurs once every a thousand years. so lets make it a memorable moment for us. for you. for me. :)

i challenge each of you who reads this post, to do something on this date. something that you thought you never would do. something that is good for you but you are always afraid to do it. i challenge you to make a record for yourself! doesn't matter what its all about, as long as it is something that for you,impossible to achieve. :)

for example, ask someone to marry you. write a book or at least start writing one. go run 10km when at usual you'll only run 5km. post your first video on youtube. study the whole case when normally u can only do half. take your first sunrise picture. read the Quran more than you usually do. go say i love you to that someone. :) in simple word, do whatever you never thought you would do, do it tomorrow.

now, who would like to take this challenge? :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011


kita hanya merancang. Tuhan yg menentukan. :)

welcome november. be nice please :) salam zulhijjah!

p/s: when they say that ex lovers can never be friends, now i know why. when i see your face, i see the image of you and her together. and that image hurts me. takpelah. redha. :')

Monday, October 31, 2011

oh mata kanan saya!

semalam sepanjang hari saya ter annoyed dengan diri sendiri. bayangkan, dah tidur 8 jam dah, tapi boleh plak mengantuk dalam kelas. mengantuk tak main2 okay. mengantuk tahap "mental shutdown". taktau lah korang penah rasa tak mengantuk tahap mcm tu,tapi dia mcm,kepala sgt berat and kelopak mata rasa mcm nk tertutup lepas tu somehow apa yg jadi depan mata semua rasa macam mimpi. dia macam tak encode dalam kepala otak betul2.haa itu dia. tak encode. maka nya saya nk ckp yg sejujurnya mmg tak fokus sangat kelas tadi *histo dgn patho pula tu.* pastu ade plakkk lecture tmbhn! haihh anatomy pula. two thumbs up kpd diri sendiri T__T

ke-annoying-an itu bertambah lagi apabila mata kanan tak berhenti-henti nak 'berdenyut'...ssttrreeessss! *sebut gaya gary dlm running man* taktau running man tu apa? ok abaikan :p ha tapi tu lah point dia, mata berdenyut. takde kaitan dgn gary pon. tehehe. disebabkan denyutan tu menimbulkan rasa yg amat tidak selesa, dan petang tu tengah gigih google PBL, tetiba rasa nak google kenapa mata kanan saya berdenyut? hamik kau. rupanya kalau mata kanan yg berdenyut maksud dia lain, kalau kiri lain. lepas tu ade istilah berdenyut, ada istilah kelopak mata bergerak, biji mata bergerak, ekor mata yg bergerak. haha.

so ade satu blog ni, dia kata, kalau biji mata kanan bergerak-gerak = akan menangis dalam bercinta. dah sudah,aku bercinta dgn siapa pulak tau2 nak menangis kan..hihi..pastu baca lah lagi *sebab tak puas ati kan* kalau kelopak mata kanan yg bergerak = beroleh keamanan. tadi sedih ni aman plak..haih..baca lagiiii, ekor mata kanan bergerak-gerak = akan menerima orang jauh! serta merta diri terus berangan " adakah saya akan menerima orang negeri sembilan berdarah A dan berdarah jawa? " HAHA ok tu personal joke. btw, memula cam nk seronok lah kan..sekali bila baca komen2 dekat bwh tu...dia kata org jauh yg dimaksudkan adelah malaikat maut. okay. dah takut dah. dah tak kelakar. -.-

tapi sebenarnya saya sangat lah bukan org yg mempercayai benda2 macam ni..orang kata, superstitious orang dulu2 lah ni,suka2 je buat teori diorang sendiri.hahaha..lalu saya jumpalah satu blog ni, finally dia bagi jawapan yg saya puas hati.sebab dia mcm bagi secara teorinya kenapa. heee. katanya, mata bergerak-gerak ini berkait rapat dengan stress, fatigue, kurang tidur dan overdose minum kopi. anxiety/depression juga boleh mengakibatkan kepada masalah mata bergerak-gerak ini. kerisauan yg terlalu tinggi dalan diri kita juga turut menyumbang kepada masalah ini. yey now i got my answer ^___^ mmg sehari sebelum tu pon, minum kopi byk gila..hari sabtu lah. sebab tidur 3 jam je.pastu minum kopi.pergi breakfast minum teh. balik tu topup nescafe lagi..malam tu kepala ting tong. tu yg tidur awal n dapat 8 hours of sleep tu! haha!

tapi tengoklah,dlm kelas tak dpt concentrate jugak. heh. jadinya, penting sbnrnya jaga waktu tidur nih. tak boleh nak neglect2 sangat. kalau stay up sebab study takpelah jugak. ni stay up tak buat benda berfaedah. ish2 paz. >.<

btw, marilah mengucapkan selamat tinggal bulan oktober. selamat datang november. dan ahlan zulhijjah. cewah! :D

ok boleh lah dgr lagu ni sempena hari terakhir bulan oktober. hik3.

sumber mengenai mata tersebut diperolehi dari sini, juga sini, serta sini dan yg terakhirnya di sini. :D

Friday, October 28, 2011

love feels like this.

my sky is full of lighters
my head is filled with poems
my lips is stain with love words
my ear is soothed with the sound of your voice
my heart is now at joy
my eyes can't stop staring
my head keep on spinning
my feet is off the ground

the sky is full with thoughts of you
poems u wrote that makes me smile
love words i utter dedicated to you
your lovely voice that makes me melt
heart is pumping fast, by the presence of you
staring into you as if you're just a picture
the image of you spins in my head
i'm literally flying, i'm happy 'cos of u love :)

image from tumblr

random je ni. tiba2 jiwang pula. ahax.

Friday, October 21, 2011

no. i'm not alone

i am clumsy. i admit it. i can't live a day in the house without accidentally trip while walking, or bump my shoulder to the wall,or kick myself with whatever thing in front of me.

but i have never been this clumsy in many years..................i dropped my phone inside a taxi yesterday.a brand new phone which i just used for a month..i haven't even had the time to copied all my contacts inside it its gone.

a friend said "satu benda yang kita sayang hilang, InsyaAllah Allah akan beri lagi banyak kebaikan dan benda yang berguna pada kita." insyaAllah.bila aku rasa handphone tu dapat dekatkan hubungan aku dengan kawan-kawan dekat malaysia, and somehow benda tu memang ye, and sekarang benda tu dah hilang. sumpah rasa sedih gila. tapi Allah kan memang suka uji hamba Dia, dan ujian itu tanda Dia sayang kita kan? alhamdulillah. aku terima ujian ni....with Your guidance Allah, i pray that i will never be lost.

and when friends are too busy for you, remember Allah will ALWAYS be there.

Monday, October 17, 2011

padanlah muka.

adilkah aku..
aku cakap aku dah lama suka dia.
memang lama, tapi sepanjang lama tu bukan dia seorang yg aku suka.

adilkah aku..
aku cakap aku betul-betul suka dia.
tapi pada masa aku suka orang lain jugak.

adilkah aku..
aku cakap aku dah cop dia dulu.
padahal aku tak pernah pon bagitahu.
cuma sekadar bagi hint hint gitu.

adilkah aku..
rasionalkah aku..
patutkah aku..

sekarang aku rasa kehilangan..
baru padan muka..
sekarang aku rasa sunyi..
baru sibuk nak cari..
sekarang dah sorang-sorang..
baru sibuk nak claim dia aku punya sorang.

padan lah muka.

dah rasa dia pergi jauh, baru nak cari.
mungkin takde jodoh. aku redha.
tapi aku tak boleh tipu.
sedih tu semestinya ada.
nak nangis pon ada rasa..
tapi nak buat macam mana.

dia dah ada yang punya. :(

and when im feeling down, having my bestfriends by my side will ease the sorrow :')

p/s: maybe its too late for i love you.

Friday, October 7, 2011

reality strikes

and so here i am, mansoura, zhoriff street. 2nd home. :)

as much as i love to wasting time on the internet, on youtube, and on random blogs, all those activites have to be reduced due to classes,and my responsibility as a student. it feels like a burden now being a student, but im pretty sure i'll be missing my student life more than ever when i started to work later.

most of my friends are graduating already, congratulations. envy, yes. and my 6th year seniors who are mostly my age, is on their final year of medical school. much enviness. but hey, im here too. im just 3 years late, and over that 3 years i have not wasted my life, i learned a lot of things, and i did have my scroll of diploma. so yeah, grateful, that's how i should feel. :)

1st day of class was, okay. :) but the environment is kinda different. maybe its just me, or maybe its true, that friends are drifting apart from me. naah. things will get better later. aight? hope so.

everyday waking up in a different bed. now that's a real reality strikes. wake up dear self. ur on ur own now. and u r here on a mission. to become a good doctor. 3 more years, insyaAllah.

Friday, September 30, 2011

bye bye september~

baiklah, jadi azam bulan september untuk buat wordless wednesday setiap minggu telah tercapai.weheee~ bagus jugak,kalau tak aku mcm mls je nk update blog..skrg ni kira aku ade smgt blk la :D:D tapi salu idea aku dtg ari rabu.mslhnye ari rabu tu takleh nak menulis,boleh letak gmbr je,acaner? hahahah :p so,aku pon pilih sebijik gambar yg boleh mengkonklusikan perasaan aku pada waktu itu. ok benci gila meng konklusikan. bahasa. -.-

so,aku sajelah nk bgtau korang yg sebenarnya setiap gmbr yang aku bubuh tu,ade mksd2 tersirat dia.cewahh..yela rasenye wordless wednesday mmg cenggitu lah kan..tapi skrg ni,btul ke apa yg korg pk kan dgn ape yg aku mksdkan dlm gmbr tu? jeng3..khas utk bulan september shj,aku akan describe the whats n whys gmbr2 tersebut dipilih.mariiiiiii *drum rolls*

#ww1 - gmbr aku dgn bendera dan lemang. ye itu lemang ye kawan2..sedih je bila org tnye tu lemang ke? cis,bermakne aku dah gagal menyampaikan ape yg aku nak sampaikan -.- btw y dis picture? bcoz its raya + merdeka!! and the picture is inspired by google doodle yg letak gmbr bendera malaysia dan lemang at that time. terima kasih pakcik google. u r always m favourite :p

#ww2 - gambar tupai pipi kembung..haha..ok sebenarnya masa aku nk buat post ni,aku tengah terasa hati dgn semua orang yg sibuk tegur aku dah gemuk. ye aku dah gemuk, kau siapa nk tegur aku? heh. emo. hahaha..aku mmg tak suka org tegur aku mcm tu, the only person acceptable utk tegur aku mcm tu is my family. selain drpd tu aku mcm nk gigit je telinge mereka. :p jgn lah ckp aku gemuk,ckp lah aku comel ke :(

#ww3 - gmbr karaoke bersama my favourite people. sebab masa ni tengah sangap nak karok dan rindu 10-1 hihihi..that day jugaklah pergi karok,but with diff people la.. :p

#ww4 - my fav pic of all..picture was taken by myself at the street of Singapore..sumpah cool gila pengantin amik gambar sendiri..tapi lepas abang aku tgk gmbr ni dia mcm " amik gambar kt orchard street? gila tak romantis. pergi lah tasik keeee....... " hahahaha..well maybe they have their own stories right? oh btw on the same day i saw another wedding photography dekat stesyen MRT dia. >.<

#ww5 - myself posing with the phrase its not over! comel tak? ok jgn jwb -.- this is actually a picture i send to a friend of mine..he's doing a video project for a competition. and he asked me to take a photo with "its not over" phrase on yeah here it is! * sebenarnya aku htr tiga keping gmbr kot tehehe gila glamour sgt kan.*

okayyy itu sahaja..insyaallah saye akn meneruskan perjuangan wordless wednesday ni hahahaha! amacam, boleh tahan tak maksud tersirat di sebalik setiap gambar? kih3..biaselah, a picture worth a thousand words kan. :D

p/s: 4th october is my flight back to Egypt. nak sedih boleh? sobs.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

its not easy.

susah bila di antara kawan-kawan kau sendiri sedang ade perbalahan...dan lagi susah bila perbalahan tersebut lebih kepada perbalahan emosi.

aku bagi contoh..kau ada sorang kawan nama A..dan sorang lagi nama B. *eh typicalnya guna A dan B sebagai bukan nama sebenar kan* oklah tuka..kau ada kawan ni,sorang nama Jemah sorang lagi Maria..sebenarnya nak dijadikan cerita Jemah dgn Maria ni dulu study sama-sama..kau dengan Jemah pulak best friend. so 1 day Jemah kenalkan kau dengan Maria..kerlaasss kau Maria.ok tu bila kau dah kenal Maria,elok plak korang ni sekepala..jadi korang bertiga pon rapatlah. :)

tapi orang kata,it takes two to salah..two is company,three's a takde kene mengene pon senanye hahaha.ok serious balik..kita nak salahkan siapa kalau ditakdirkan kau dengan Maria jadi lagi rapat dari Maria dengan Jemah..kebetulan kepala kau dengan Maria lagi aumm kan..tapi takdelah kau sisihkan Jemah ke apa..

sekarang ni,kalau kite letak diri kita dalam posisi Jemah......patut tak rasa jealous? tak patut, tapi yes, perasaan tu kadang2 timbul kan.. so takleh nak salahkan Jemah jugak lah kat sini. bear that in mind :)

so sekarang Jemah dah macam tacing2 dgn kau dengan Maria..tapi mungkin sebab Jemah sayang kau lebih, dia macam lebih tacing kepada Maria tehehee.. Maria pulak,al kisah,bukan tanak baik dgn Jemah, cuma dia jadi awkward dengan Jemah bila si Jemah ni baik as in sangat baik boleh kata rapatlah dengan ex boyfren si Maria. gitu kaw. drama abes dah ni ha..

okey sekarang letak diri kau dalam posisi Maria........patut ke tak dia terasa dengan Jemah,sebab Jemah baik dengan ex bf dia? tak patut,tapi sekarang ni situasi Maria dgn ex dia ni macam unforgivable punya kes buat si lelaki itu...kire the guy is on the wrong lah,so dah tentu lah kite tak patut sokong mamat tu right? so Maria tak salah jugak lah nak terasa. bear that in mind :)

so one day Jemah decide utk tanya Maria ni,apesal dia dah lain mcm dengan Jemah Maria pon dengan berat hati,ckplah yg dia tak suka si Jemah ni rapat dgn ex dia,dia terasa and all that..ok sebenarnya taklah cakap pon,diorg msg2 jelah kan ceritanya..pastu tah taktau kenapa,tiba2 Jemah mcm " takpelah Maria, aku tau la kau kerlaassss... " ok tak.. Jemah cakap, " takpelah M, i tahu i siapa..i tak layak nk berkawan dgn orang pandai mcm u "...sentap kan.tiba2 isu pandai tak pandai pulak..yang si Maria ni pon dah terkedu lah,eh kenapa tacing smpai begini skali...

sekarang ni kau yg dekat tengah2 ni rasa apa? ikutkan hati nak je pergi ckp kat Jemah "oi J kau kemain nak sentapz..lek ahhh!" haha ok kasar kan..haih ikut hati nak je gitau Jemah..tapi sebab aku kenal Jemah mcm mana,aku tau kalau aku pergi cakap nanti dengan aku2 sekali dia tacing..jadi aku pon pergi cakap kat Maria, "M u know what, J tu mmg pelik sikit..i tau u terasa dgn dia tapi, i harap u tak lah marah ke apa dgn dia. later on i rasa dia akan okay dgn u..u sbar je k?" and luckily M ni paham and accept it :)

tapi aku taktau betul ke tak ape aku buat ni.kalau Jemah tau nnti mesti dia macam "yerlah kau sekarang nak dgn M je kan....aku ni siapaaaaa" ah sudah..aku pulak nanti yg kena..tapi nak buat macam mana,kalau aku cakap pon si Jemah mesti tanak dgr punyaaaaa..tapi deep down inside aku rasa tak sedap lah bila benda jadi macam ni.

bukan senang nak bagi orang paham kita. mentaliti orang lain-lain. interpretation pon jadi lain, ye dok? *sigh*

dah lama tak post panjang2 gini hahahaha

Monday, September 26, 2011

luahan isi hati wawawa

ironinya bila kita sudah berjanji utk tidak berubah, walau apa yang akan terjadi.

i miss having you as a friend. i miss your weirdness. i miss your kindness. the most important thing is, i really miss you.

i pray that things will get better between us. amin.

p/s: lately kawan-kawan asyik touching je dengan saya. am i turning into a bad girl? :(

Thursday, September 22, 2011

thoughts of faces

last weekend i went to Singapore. it was a bliss weekend. eventhough i hurt my leg by walking too much while carrying a heavy load, but i really enjoyed the trip. its the stress that i less interested in. lol. and yes.i think singapore is just too packed on weekend. they also sneeze and cough a lot, so don't blame me if i bring back a bit of virus with me. :-O

i did take pictures a lot during those 3 days..and i realized that, i realllly love to take pictures of people faces. especially random poses. because, a picture tells a thousand stories. example ;

see how many faces in here? i like this random kind of pictures coz it captures a lot of expression. and for me, each expression tells a different story.and for sure, each have their own thoughts in their mind.

ever wondered, at this hour, at this very second while u are reading this, what are the millions of people on the other side of the world doing? and in each blink of your eyes, what event has happen in the whole universe? yeah, i have this kind of thoughts in my mind. sometimes while i am having a good time, my mind stops for awhile n think of the less fortunate out there who can't have the same fun like me :( thinking this way actually help me to love my life a lot more, and thank Allah for His blessings. Alhamdulillah, for i still have a roof over my head for me to shelter on. Alhamdulillah for many things that i have in life. :)

p/s: i sometimes wonder what you think of me. coz i'm still thinking of you as a friend. i really miss you my friend. i hope ur doing fine, wherever you are. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

just a thought.

while walking alone in the streets, taking pictures of random things, my heart secretly wanted you to be with mind is picturing ourselves taking pictures together, and sometimes, you took my picture quietly :) we laughed, and my ears are filled with the joy of your voice. and at that moment, my lips instantly smile :)

just by thinking of you could make me feel so happy :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011


rindu nak karaoke la. jangan la perasan aku rindu boyfren kau, tak hingin pon dekat dia. booo! :p

lagu ni dutujukan kepada bakal suami. yang pasti dia bukan boyfriend kau tu. oppss. #justsaying

Thursday, September 8, 2011

terima kasih buat yang membenci

terima kasih sebab ingatkan yg aku ni cuma manusia biasa
terima kasih sebab sedarkan yang aku juga ada salah
terima kasih sebab rasa aku ni ancaman hebat buat kau
terima kasih sebab bagitau kawan-kawan yang kau benci aku
terima kasih buat diorang benci aku jugak
terima kasih bagi aku kesedaran yg aku ni tak sehebat kau
malah aku tak hebat langsung

terima kasih sebab tanam rasa benci tu, sebab aku, kau, kita semua, manusia biasa je.bila ade benci, mesti ada sayangnya juga, kan?

takpelah hari ni kau bagi aku benci. harap-harap esok lusa tulat orang lain bagi aku sayang pula.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

That sad moment when you can feel you and your best friend slowly drifting apart.

i've been through this moment quite a few times, sometimes i'm even afraid to be with a new friend coz i'm afraid it'll happen again.

its just so sad that,the one that u think would be with you till forever is suddenly changing into this whole new person and somehow,it feels like you've never know her/ more late night talking, no more texting, no more pillow talk moment,no more us.

i hate losing a friend,in whatever way..i just think all friends should be forever..but i think because i'm too afraid of losing,i sometimes tend to neglect the one who has always been there for the end,i always felt like this loser who has nobody besides her..

i have a lot to share with people,sometimes i feel like its a burden to carry all this by myself.but i can't find the person who can make me open up.who can somehow let me blurb whatever i want without me feeling like a silly sorry to my friends who have always been there for me but i seems to feel this way..i'm just not really me.i've lost myself somewhere..and i really hope my real self would come back soon.

and now the question is,is it really my best friend who is drifting away,or is it me?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

wordless wednesday #1

well wishes :)

selamat hari raya aidilfitri kawan-kawan! maaf zahir dan batin!

kepada kawan-kawan yg tak nak maafkan aku tu,takpelah..tak kisah pon,yg penitng aku dah lama maafkan kau..hidup ni lagi indah bila takde niat busuk or hasad dengki dekat orang lain. :)

oh, selamat menyambut kemerdekaan yg ke 54 utk Malaysia! kalau Tunku tak berusaha utk kita semua,tak mungkin negara berkembang macam sekarang (walaupun masih belum maju), tak mungkin ipad jadi mainan budak 5 tahun sekarang. and aku pon tak mungkin tgh menaip dlm blog ni. tah2 tgh berperang kan. nauzubillah. so, bersyukur lah kita hidup aman :)

alamak.dah rabu ke.ok anggap lah post ni utk hari selasa.okbai.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

just so you know...

- my late mom got married at the age of 23!
source: tumblr

#watlekjerrr :p

-azam bulan september, saya nak buat wordless wednesday every week.
- lagi 2 hari dah hari raya? #EhYeke
- serious macam tak percaya Ramadan is coming to its end. :(
- esok saye buat proper post.tehehe..okbai.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

bebel pagi.

tadi petang aku merajinkan diri kat dapur. dah lama tak baking2 ni kan. hee. memandangkan aku ni takde assistant, maka aku pon pasang lah ipod aku kuat2 dalam dapur tu demi memecah kesunyian. eceh. padahal time mixer berpusing mmg tenggelam la bunyi lagu tu kan hahaha.. tapi tgh2 tgn bertepung bagai tu, bila keluar lagu bosan aku tekan next jugak :p

dalam ipod aku tu mmg ade 600++ lah lagu.. tapi semua bukan lagu dalam laptop aku. semua lagu orang lain yg letakkan. adela beberapa lagu korea dalam tu sempat dimasukkan dari laptop fathin :p aku memang suka dgr playlist orang lain, sebab kadang2 ade lagu yg kita macam tak pernah tahu ada tiba2 terus tahu kan.hee..tapi kalau dah asyik menekan butang next tu,maka sedarlah aku bahawa playlist tu agak membosankan. sebab kalau boleh aku nak dengar lagu yg best2 je,takpayah nk tekan next2 nih.senang..

and aku perasan, aku suka tekan next bila keluar lagu2 baru.,eh byk je lagu baru best2..tapi byk jugak yg mengarut.aku malas nk dengar. kalau orang tanya aku,apa lagu favourite aku tahun 2011,serious aku taktau apa.aku macam dengar je semua lagu tapi takde yg nak favourite sangat lah.kalau ade pon lagu yg aku duk ulang2,dlm sebulan tu ulang smpai muntah,pastu dah tk dgr pon takpe dah -__-

cerita pasal favourite pon,aku taktau ape favourite aku..mknn favourite pon aku taktau..hurmm coklat mungkin? heh..i mean like,solid food.semua pon aku rasa sedap,smua la nak favourite camtu >.< adekah ini menunjukkan yg aku ni takde pendirian??? tapi bagi aku bukan aku takde pendirian, cuma aku suka keep my option open.mcm,tak terikat dgn cuma satu benda,.nk suka byk2..sebab tu aku suka mkn buffet,aku suka mkn byk jenis mknn hehehehehe

tapi aku janji aku akan sayang suami aku sorang je. takkan pandang orang lain dah. at all!


saje nak letak gambar sunset dekat Cairo haritu. tiba-tiba rindu Egypt :p this picture is taken with ipod, hence the quality. :p

p/s: i hope u get my many hints. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

17 8 88 ^__^

aku rasa aku senasib dengan ZahirilAdzim. bukanlah job aku semakin byk mcm dia *amboi bajet retis gitu* cuma aku pon dah jadi kurang bercakap. mungkin sebab banyak sgt ber tweet. wahahaha.

ok tak. ini serious. aku jadi kurang gemar bercakap sebab, aku tak rasa mcm nak bercakap. heh. mungkin sebab byk sgt bnda dlm dunia ni yg aku dah disagree. so drpd aku termencarut atau termengeluarkan kata-kata kesat lebih baik aku diam. diam aku tak bermaksud aku diam dan bodoh, tapi diam aku lebih kepada aku mendengar dan berfikir apa yg baik utk aku dan apa yg tidak.

ade beberapa benda yg aku perasan. aku perasan yg aku dah kurang gemar melepak dan bercakap benda tak berfaedah. aku rasa bosan. mulalah aku tengok dan belek2 handphone aku yg dah tentu takde siapa nak msg tu. this is where smartphones come in handy. kalau time2 cmni bleh gk scroll down timeline twitter or facebook kan, tapi handphone murah je acaner. :p nasib baik kawan2 handphone canggih.apelagi pinjam handphone member lah scroll facebook kih3. ok menyimpang. ha tapi tulah. tak minat nk dgr conversation yg tah ape2. takde isu. boring.

yess i sound lika an old lady. mungkin akibat baru sahaja menjejakkan kaki ke alam 23 tahun. haha. dah 23 tahun dah saye. bunyi macam dah tua je, tapi sebenarnya muda. cuma semakin matang. hihi. bila dah 23 ni, kalau boleh nak tinggalkan suma nonsense dan rasanya dah boleh pikir masa depan dah. masa depan as in keseluruhan lah. amboi semua, cite kawin ajer. haha. takpe masih ade dua tahun untuk cari jodoh. kalau umur 25 dan masih single, ade possibility untuk jadi andartu. ayoyoyo. kalau insyaallah berjaya jadi doktor, dan masih takde possible husband, hah lagilah boleh masuk calon andartu. orang skarang ni dgr doktor je terus takut nak meminang weh. mana taknye, kerja kerani dah mintak 12 ribu hantaran. atte kalau doktor, takkan nak up seribu dua je kan? no komen. ai ni rendah diri jer. hik2.

selamat hari jadi dear self! semoga menjadi insan yg lebih baik. insan yg cemerlang lahir dari hati dan akal yg bersih. amboi sukahati kau tukar dialog. hee. i had a great time on my birthday, i think my birthday should be everyday. lololol. over kau jah.

Monday, August 15, 2011

love is always like this... fades away after some time.

at least for me it does. :-|

Monday, August 1, 2011

ahlan wa sahlan ya ramadhan :)

setiap kali dah nak puasa or raya, memang muka aku la terpacak depan tv, tunggu pengumuman dari pakcik ni. dari kecik lagi,dari pndai kenal muka orang, memang muka dia ni lah yang umumkan.

tapi tahun ni dah orang lain, rasa lain macam sikit. hilang keterujaan nk tggu pengumuman..kalau tak dulu dengan mama selalu usha baju dia. hahaha :p:p

yang penting pengumuman tak jadi mcm video bwh ni..kih3

tak kisah lah siapa yg umumkan pon, alhamdulillah tahun ni masih ada peluang utk bertemu ramadhan. insyaallah. semoga kita berpeluang utk mengharungi bulan ini sehingga ke penghujungnya :):)


Sunday, July 24, 2011

entry from the heart

there are a few things in life, that we can't,or the most appropriate word,we refuse to find the cure..for example,ur having a toothache. because ur 3rd molar is sprouting. there's actually nothing we can do about it. because like it or not, the teeth will come out eventually. yes, u can apply bonjela to ease the pain, yes, u can take panadol too. but still, the pain will still be there. and all you ever wanted is, someone who could understand the pain, and make you feel better deep inside. someone who knows what to say, or what to do, and even make drinks for you. all of the things that, wasn't really the cure like bonjela or pandaol, but its just something we need. love.

and that kind of love, can be only given by a mom.

i miss you mama. al-fatihah.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

khalas 2nd year!

alhamdulillah, result for semester 4 is out..i pass :) and semester 3 also..i pass :):) so,3 months of summer holiday for me! wee~

masa awal2 sem 4 dulu,aku ada janji dengan diri sendiri,nak jadi skema..siap dah beli printer semua..skema lah jugak aku,tapi cuma for the 1st 5 cases..bila laptop aku rosak start case 2 tak silap,dah kurg dah skema..sbb,susah kot nk stdy takde laptop time tu..lecture notes semua dlm tu baca jelah buku..bila guna buku kena lah extra effort sket..kire masih rajin lah jugak.hee..bila midsem exm,walaupon aku target dapat lebih,tapi kira okey lah mrkah aku tu..pastu,someone came into my life,put me in the best of position,brings back cheer into my life,let me feel good about myself and having my spirit back.....n then he's gone..orang kata,dia datang menyinggah aje lah..tapi penyinggahan dia tu,somehow buat aku down gila..kadang2 aku baca buku pon aku termenung je sebenarnya..sebab bila dia datang and singgah mcm tu je,aku tau yg lepas ni,we'll never be the same again,wpon dia cakap dia nk things jadi mcm dulu..tapi kalau dah stiap kali aku je yg ade effort nk bnda jadi mcm biasa blk,n dia buat bodoh je..memang tak lah kn..n that's the end of his story in my pon aku jdi makin malas,dah tak motivated mcm dlu..agk2 da nk dekat betul2 dgn exm bru aku nk insaf..and aku tau cara blajar aku salah,encoding tak btol tu yg byk lupa tu..sobs..

tapi takpela,kite mmg blaja dari kesilapan kn..and aku kalau boleh dah malas dah nak buat silap2 bodoh lagi mcm ni..lebih baik aku jadikan anwarhadi sebagai perangsang study..hoi perangsang study lah! jgn pikir lain okeeehhh...muahahaha..

so 3rd year,insyaallah i'll do better...mmg lah setiap tahun azamnya mcm ni kan,tapi kalau diri sendiri pon tak buat apa2,tak jadi jugak..hurmm.. :) hopefully things will went well for me,n for my friends also.."  mumtaz is not impossible " kata fendi yg dpt mumtaz utk sem 4 aritu..yesss! we can! ^__^

SELAMAT DATANG TAHUN 3! eh semangat pulak,cuti lah dulu summer holidays! hihi..selamat pulang ke Malaysia kawan-kawan yang baru habis exam tuuuu :D:D

Saturday, July 9, 2011

just 1 thing

sekarang ni perhimpunan bersih ni ape kaitan dengan agama pula? bukan tengah cerita pasal isu negara ke? jangan lah di campur adukkan semua perkara, sehinggakan semua mula keliru akan tujuan utama. bagi yang menganggap bersih ni satu perhimpunan saja2, tak, mereka ada tujuan sebenarnya.. tapi nak buat macam mana, manusia. diskriminasi sentiasa ada.. hajat dia hati mahukan keamanan, lalu diadakan perhimpunan. memorandum dengan usul2 berkaitan, cuma mahukan keadilan... biarlah mereka mahu bersuara.. mereka pon punya hak juga.. kata negara demokrasi, kenapa risau sangat ni?

kalau tiada manusia yang menipu dan pentingkan diri sendiri baru lah dunia aman. world peace is as easy as that.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

balik kampong wowowoo

bangiiii! im home! :D

seronok dah balik..alhamdulillah selamat sampai.first flight to bahrain, okay lah.cuma sumpah aku ngantok gilaaa, sebab tak tidur langsung malam tuuuu and konon2 nak tidur lah dalam tremco dari mansoura nak ke airport cairo (which took like 2 hours ++ depends on traffic) ermm mmg tak tidur lahh..aku membeeeeebel je sepanjang perjalanan.terima kasih kopi arab.aku pon pndai sgt pergi minum kopi pagi2 tu kan..haa padan muka >.< so mmg dari cairo ke bahrain,aku tidur je.hee..sampai bahrain transit dlm 3 jam mcm tu,so after freshen up solat semua melepak lah cari wifi ;p pastu flight dari bahrain ke kuala lumpur,ni lah flight yg mncabar jiwa raga hati hempedu dan limpa aku..gaaahh! okay,dalam flight aku dgn zan dpt seat tepi tingkap..tepi tingkap kan dua seat je.alhamdulillah tak pyh duduk sebelah org pelik2 dlm flight.heh..namun begitu,sangkaan ku meleset apabila row sebelah aku,and seat belakang aku,ada lah pak arab dan mamat ganjil nih...menyirap lah siot tgk mamat ganjil tu.dia ganjil sebab flight tengah nak take off ni,DIA BOLEH JAWAB PHONE! memang aku dah rasa nak menyumpah.baru je lepas announce please switch off ur mobile phone tu lah dia bleh jawab phone call.eeeeeeeeeeee..and mythbusters telah mebuktikan bahawa benda tu mmg bahaya and plausible utk plane crash berlaku ok.nauzubillah..sabo jelah. >.<

so masa perjalanan bpe jam tah,9 jam tulah,aku taktau lah apesal pakcik arab blkg aku dua org tu tak berhentiiiiiii bercakap.aku tak kisah sgt lah dia nk bercakap,tapi kalau kerja asyik nk tendang2 kerusi aku,aku angin lah kan..hah lepas tu,flight dah off lampu,suruh tidur ler sebelah aku dgn pakcik blkg tu asyik dok borak3,sampai ade sekali tu arab sebelah tu cakap ape tah,he's like half shouting kot,aku ngn zan dua2 terkejut bangun dari tidur terus marah mamat tu..bongok lah..haih panas ati ingat balik.lepas tu aku taktau lah mungkin org dlm flight aku tu rmai 1st timer,aku masuk toilet,masyaallah,sumpah geli..dah la tak flush..tisu bersepah2 kat tepi toilet tu.mungkin mereka tak jumpa mana tong,pengotor betul..geli tahu tak..anddd utk pertama kali aku nmpk flight tunggang langgang gila time keluar..kitorg seat blkg2 en so mcm keluar agk last lah..perghhh mcm hurricane dlm plane! KOTOR GILAAAA like gilagila punya kotor.yucks! aku bersyukurrrr sangat aku balik malaysia.tahap kesabaran aku dgn arab mmg dah limit dah.i need some vacation from them.heh.*wpon skrg musim org arab dtg malaysia,tapi takpe,at least kitorg lagi ramai,so tak serabut macam diorang sgt*

okay pnjang sgt membebel.marah punya pasal..haha..1st day smpai egypt keje tidur je ;p 2nd day dah gi ampang park - jahit baju raya! finallyyyyy dapat pon jahit kain2 tersebut :D dua tahun asyik tak smpat jahit jer,semua dah tanak terima tempahan kn..huhu..ouh pastu masa tgh cari kedai tu,bleh plak ter usha kedai pngantin.lawa weh bju bride dia..i likeee..wahaha *menyimpang jauh btol* :p okay lepas tu pergi maxis centre dekat klcc konon2 nak mintak no lama dikekalkan,sekali akak tu cakap " no kalau dah expired tak boleh guna no sama dah dik. melainkan adik pakai bil. kalau prepaid memanggg tak boleh. " heh..bodoh punya maxis. aku tak tukar ke company lain pon sebab nanti abah tak boleh share credit dia lagi dgn aku,rugilah.wahahaha! ;p

*yawn* okaylah, its 1.30am already and im sooo sleepy already.heh..nite love :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

bye bye :D

so,its 9.40pm in egypt, 2nd of july. and,my result is not out heading to airport already tomorrow, so yeah penantian sia-siaku berakhir di sini. sobs..waaghh! i was overthinking of my result last night, and then i had a dream that everyone EVERYONE has already got their result but not me. due to some technical error or watevs,i didn't get my result. gila. maybe because i did not get to know my semester 3 result UP UNTIL NOW thats why im being paranoid like this. heh.okay sekarang have to go home without semester 4's result.senang cite result tahun 2 adelah sangat misteri. hurm. this is nerve-wrecking. -__-"

yey so finally, heading hooommeee..! somehow i felt like,semester 4 went by so fast. tup2 dah habis tahun 2 saya.insyaallah lah if i pass my exam kan..huk3..rasa macam baru minggu lepas tournament volley. rasa macam baru semalam pergi hurghada. hahaha okay over lah tu. >.<

eventhouugghh im not even home yet,i've already googled some cool places to go to..i hope my dad wud allow me to go lah kan..tapi haritu masa tengah exam dah bgtau dah,nak bercutiiii..hihihi..abah lets go to jeju island! ok melampau. pulau tioman pon boleh la bah. kalau pulau sipadan lagi syiok! :p ape2 pon nak jumpa bangi dulu, rumah saya yang kecil molek tu..i've lived with all girls these 3 months, its time to go home to my bros and dad..rumah bujang wehoo! tv,i'll be conquering u during the the night i'll be arguing with dad nak tgk cite apa.wahaha..lamanya tak tengok tvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv eeeee pathetic sangat >.< i miss my car, i miss my room, i miss bangiiiiii takpe2 sikit lagi faz..semoga perjalanan esok lancar,amin...

mcm tak caye je esok balik.hihi.

to all my friends yang stay and tak balik malaysia, be strong! takpelah tak balik this time, insyaallah next time boleh balik right? have fun in egypt! yang pergi cuti2 europe tu jgn lupa,i nak surfer boy satu,make sure with six packs :p yang tengah amik exam tu,all the best! yang exam baru nak start tu, study smart tau, i'll be praying for u guys :D n for my dentistry friends yg akan habis exam esok, gogo hwaiting!!! 1 more paper n u'll be freeee~~~ :D lagi utk siapa eh..okey utk org malaysia pulak, im coming homeeee, sila tunaikan janji2 manis anda semua utk wants tutti frutti satay apam warne warni (DONGHAE!!) dimsum hazelnut white coffee nasi kerabu nasi lemak cikyah murtabak roti canai nan tandoori rojak buah rojak mamak tembikai laici milo dinosaur burger ramly slurpee chillis red velvet macaroons cendol yong tau foo laksa okay sedap sangat *pengsan*

bye semua. :D

to my jiran i'll be missing youuuu #pengakuanberanimati hahahahha

Thursday, June 30, 2011

a delayed hurray! :p

its been awhile..heee..

so,i have already finished my exam on the 21st..yey! and now waiting eagerly *EAGER habisss* for the result...which,i dunno when will be out but hopefully before 3rd of july..if not,sia2 lah amik tiket 3 july. T__T the exam went,hurm,okay i guess..but still have to crossed my fingers and hopes that the doctors will consider my 'goreng-an' answer..i did a lot of frying u know. >.< gaaahh feel scared just by thinking of it..moving ooonnn~~

so y does it take so long for me to update this blog? because right afeter my exam, i was busy training for basketball match with alex..hee.i was only a sub player,but yeah it was fun..mansoura team had take a great lead but then on the last 2 frames everyone is just so tired and alex won by 4 points. fair game though, alex was kinda cool :):)

2 days after that, my housemates and i went to cairo,and did some shopping at hussein and asfour..asfour is a famous place we go to buy crystals..which is,comparing to other part of the world might be the cheapest one available,like seriously..its cheap and pretty... :D but if u want to buy those big lamps and chandelier of coz its costy but knowing that its crystal,its worth a buy.rasa macam nak membuli bakal husband nk meminta lampu dari sni utk rumah akan datang.boleh tak? HAHA! ouh and hussein,is actually a place near the hussein mosque (It is named for the grandson of Muhammad SAWHusayn ibn Ali, whose head is believed by some to be buried on the grounds of the mosque) , khan el khalily is what the egyptian called it if im not mistaken..something like pasar malam at our place,but it sells those pretty souvenirs to be brought yeah its a tourist spot, bila pergi the sellers wud go like " harga runtuh, harga gila, harga murah " haha but i rmmbrd last semester we went there n there's this one person go shouting confidently " HARGA MAHAL GILA " agagaga..pity him..i wonder who's responsible for that :p

after cairo,went back to mansoura feeling as flat as i could be. penat ya ampunnn! so for the past few days im just sitting in my bed laze around watch movies and basically that's all i've been up to..hahaha..see, im a very busy person. :p

btw,3 more days left for my journey home, will be ariving at KLIA at 4th of july in the morning. yeay! can't wait to be hoommeee..but at the same time, im kinda missing mansoura a bit,hee..the feeling everytime before my summer break..hurmm.. :-S

thats it. gonna write more soon.taa~

p/s: i feel bad for what i have done to you recently, but its a spontaneous act. i'm sorry for not saying a single word to you, i'm sorry for not even lifting my head to look at your face. it hurts so bad, i'm afraid i might burst into tears, or worse, screaming and being mad again at you. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

same ol same ol

aku rasa kalau aku kawen nanti, mesti husband aku lagi glamour dari aku. sebabnya,semua orang macam tak sabar2 nak suruh aku ade boyfren. tapi aku pon tak paham kenapa.. 

macam ni lah kawan-kawan. ape kate,korang carikan? suruh masing-masing hantar resume,pastu nnti aku baca and aku evaluate sendri..agak2 berkenan ate boleh le jumpe ye dalam resume tu nanti,jangan lupa suruh masing-masing sertakan :-

  • gambar berukuran pasport (senang nak simpan dalam wallet. kih3)
  • butir-butir peribadi ( seperti tertera dalam I/C)
  • pendapatan bulanan (kalau belajar lagi,boleh la bagitahu samada korang di sponsor mana2 pihak, seperti MARA, JPA, yayasan atau hanyelah tanggungan PA-MA enterprise)
  • sila beri penerangan diri tidak melebihi 140 patah perkataan.
  • kalau nak markah lebih,boleh lah sertakan lagu/sajak/puisi atau apa2 je utk tatapan para juri. kalau sweetness meter bunyi ting3 tu ha reject lah konfem tipu.ayat semata-mata.. hua3!
  • boleh jugak nak bagi hadiah ke apa. yang penting jgn mandrem lah yer. :D
macam ni kan senang. silap2 setiap seminggu aku tukar boyfren. itupon kalau ade yang mnghantor resume nye..kalau takde,acaner plak? kuang3...

okey sila take note yang saya hanye bergurau okey. kau gila apa, cari calon suami ke calon apa macam ni? >.< takpe,org skrg ni jumpe 10minit je,taaruf,terus kahwin..ate kalau yg taaruf tu anwarhadi,kenapa harus di reject! :D:D:D

p/s: sebenarnya ade satu paper lagi tapi tah kenapa malas bebeno nak study,tu tulis blog kejap.hihi.okay2 back to my reading.chao~ :D

p/p/s: saya tak desperate. saya tak mencari pon. tapi kalau awak datang, saya terima jer. :p

Monday, June 13, 2011

omo omo!

MCQ - 15 JUNE 2011 (12PM-2.30PM)
ESSAY - 18 JUNE 2011 (12PM-2.30PM)
OSCE - 21 JUNE 2011 (10AM)

ape omo omo? omohyoid muscle lah.hahaha..haaa kat mana origin? insertion? action? hahaha.rindu abg amin.okey random. >.<

there goes my jadual exam..ticket flight pon dah ada.nak aku upload ke? HAHA.tak payah..aku sampai malaysia 9 pagi 4 july,okey karpet merah please :D

wish me luck! ^___^

p/s: as much as i want to say hye to you right now, i might as well not. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

hello my date!

lets go to Pavillion..
we have lunch at Madam Kwan's..then we'll watch movies..after the movie,we'll go and have a walk..window shopping or maybe actually buy something..and hey,that shirt looks good on you :) then we'll get tired from all the walk..lets go to baskin robbins..we'll ordered fondue..haha,of coz,have our picture,LOTS of pictures.we'll talk about the movies we just handsome the hero would pretty the heroin is..we'll laugh at the jokes,we'll be making memories. :) its late,we have to head home,or else we'd be stuck in the jam..and we leave with happy thoughts in mind,and have a pleasant dream of us together later that night. :D

lets go to Mid Valley..
we'll have brunch at sushi king! and we would be grabbing at each other's funny. :D we'll have a look at the pet shop,and i'd annoyed you with my whinning on how cute everything is,but you wouldn't'll just smile :) we'd go to the cinemas,but there's no fun movies are we'll go bowling instead..we will play 3 games..hey,i won 1 of it okay! the other 2 games that you won are just'll laugh at my bowling shoes coz its funny..i'll laugh at u when u throw ur ball..because u look a cute way of coz. ;p ouh we had so much fun! lets go inside the arcade..ouh this has always been ur favourite,u and games :) then we'll just walk..and u would help me choose which necklace is prettier at Diva..its evening..lets go to delicious..we ordered cakes..and we shared them together..i'd eat one big piece and you would tease me of being fat..grrr..we talked, we laughed, we smiled. :D and then its time to go we wish that time has not been gone that fast...

lets go anywhere..
coz anywhere would be fun,as long we're together. <3

p/s: tunggang terbalik dah grammar..gaaahhh!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

kisah aku dan kasut

you should know how much obsessed and how much i reaallyyy wanted to own an oxford shoes! dari sem lepas cari kasut tu...and bila jumpa,somehow takde size lah ape lah.sedih sangat T__T...then haritu pergi city stars kejap shopping release tension,and of course the shoes is definitely in my list!

al kisahnye pergi berdua jer..hee..pastu,duit pon tak cucuk smpai2 city star je mmg mcm tutup sblh mate lah dlu sebab tgh takde duit kalau duit tak boleh bwk keluar mmg tak shopping lah kan.haha! masuk je wlaupon sambil menutup sblh mata,dah aim dah,okey kjp lagi kedai ni..pastu kedai tu..pastu kedai ni..hahahah! masa tgh aim2 tu,nampak lah oxford shoes yg diidamkan tu! rawr! delicious weh.sumpah! mmg mengundang sgt..okey,mark that kedai.kononnye lah mark.heh..tunggu2..cite tak abes lagi :p

so lepas keluar duit,tgk wyg cite Rio,mkn jap,then shopping!!! masuk2 je kdai randomly..smpai penat shopping..kedai kasut tu mcm dekat awal2 masuk city star,so igtkn mcm dh nk blk nti lah singgah.hee..belilah bnda lain..ade seluar guess kaler sgt delicious harge asal 1000++LE trun jadi 250++LE kot! tapi sebab aku dah aim kasut tu,aku macam hesitate nk beli,and end up not buying. *muka sedih* pastu,lepak kejap starbucks..online2..rilek2..urut2 kaki..hahaha..pastu tgk,dah 8 mlm kot time dah kene gerak blk mansoura ckp lah kat tira,marilah kita cari kasut tersebut.heee..

ceyy,tadi kate dah mark ennn kedai kasut tu ennn..hamik kau,satu jam pusing tak jumpa! T__T i was about to give up,tapi somehow tira mcm masih bersemangat or dia mcm tak puas ati sebab we were so sure that the kedai was there...and yessssssssss!!! memang pon weh!!! awal2 kitorg dah dtg situ tapi bleh plak tak nmpk!!!!

so now,kedai dah jumpa,dengan segera grab the shoes and look at it price.mmg..(*(&..400LE kot..which for me utk kasut mcm tu,tak berbaloi sgt..sedihhhhhhhhhh T_T kalau ikutkan duit,mmg lah mampu..tapi..mahal sangat lah..rasa mcm mmbazir..sobs..jadi citenye,masih belum memiliki those shoes T__T

jadi kepada sesiapa yang baik hati nak belikan,im wearing size 37..ouh n tak kisah ade heel or takde,asalkan design dia vintage mcm ni..n kaler kalau bleh biar kaler rare2 sket *byk plak kisah dia kn hahaha*

lepas tu masa balik dalam tremco aku pon terpikir lah...kadang2,tak semua yg kita nak tu kita dapat.walaupon kita put so much effort on it,kdg2 if its not meant to be,it won't..or maybe ade hikmah kenapa kita tak dpt bnda tu,it could be because we will b rewarded with smthg that is much more worth it? who knows what Allah has plan for us..but whatever it is,i'm certain that its for the best :):)

okey,14 days to final exam.wish me luck! ^__^

not taking any chances

im afraid that im starting to fall for,before i fell and got hurt,i'd better stay a bit far..coz im tired of having this heart lied and betrayed and hurt over and over and over again.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

literally saying it

if there is this private mailbox to write to someone's heart, i'll write a full 3 pages letter to those letter written how i felt about you..and how everyday you affect my life even without u knowing..if only those letters wud be sent,straight to your heart..and without even literally reading it,u'll understand how i feel..

because sometimes i find it hard to say the right thing..

p/s: video ni budak2 ni lah post kat facebook.kan dah tersuka..hee..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

pemadam dan liquid paper

dah tiga kali exam rasanya..aku tolong kawan-kawan yang terlupa bawak pemadam.. :) lepas tu seorang kawan tu pon bertanya.. " kak faz ni mintak je mesti ada..berapa banyak pemadam kak faz ada eh? "  haha..jujur,aku pon taktahu berapa jumlah,lepas soalan tu diajukan,aku pon selongkar lah pencil case..nah,3 pemadam..

PBL..PBL...kadang2 ada laptop pon,ade printer pon,still rasa macam nak tulis ajer PBL kita tu..bukan apa,kalau guna word ni leceh pula nak kena guna format2 segala..nak kena susun cantik2 supaya senang baca n org senang faham..tapi kadang2 word tu,time kita nak align semua ke kiri,ade lah satu dua baris yang degil..daaahh tak cantik..tu yang kadang2,ade yg prefer tulis je sendri..lagi2 kalau handout PBL tu berbentuk mind map kan..pastu kalau dah handout tu mestilah tanak comot2..nasib baik ada liquid paper..kesian housemate aku sorang ni..selalu kene datang bilik aku semata-mata nak pinjam liquid..memandangkan aku ada dua liquid,so aku pon bagilah satu dekat dia :) semalam..aku bukak laci...jumpa lagi satu liquid..ya allah,aku ade tiga rupa-rupanya liquid..taktahu pula..haha.. ;p


tiga liquid paper, tiga pemadam..kalau lah aku boleh guna semua tu,utk padam all those bad memories..utk padam nama kau dalam hati ni..kalau sampai habis pemadam tu jadi habuk sekalipon...kalau sampai kering liquid paper tu pon....belum tentu dapat padam..belum tentu boleh hilang..its not that easy for me..mungkin bukan sebab tu je,mungkin jugak sebab,aku taknak pon dia hilang..there's still part of me that still wants you to be a part of my life..mungkin aku taknak kau hilang,kau pergi,kau tak ada..tapi aku cuma nak sakit yang kau buat tu pergi..

kalau lah semudah tu boleh padamkan ia..aku tak kisah..aku biarkan kau buat lagi..sebab aku boleh je padam lagi..tapi kau tahu,aku pon tahu..itu mustahil..dan sakit yang aku tanggung ni,pedih yang aku rasa,sedih yang aku timba,semua tu akan tetap ada..kau tahu ke? kau peduli ke? >.<

p/s: random okay. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


ever wondered what kind of superheroes u would be if u were one? some might choose to be superman, with the ability to fly to help those in needs..some prefer to fight in groups like ninja turtles.some might need a sidekick like batman and robin..n others want to be heroes to the one that they love like spiderman is. :) if i am a superhero, i wanted to be like ninja turtles just because i think they're so friggin cute! :p  * i like the yellow oneeeee :D:D*

now,how about having a superpower? sure we had some thoughts about it in our mind..but of coz we know,its impossible to have one..but berangan is one thing u know ;p i've always always ALWAYSSS dream of having the one that this PIPER in charmed have! the ability to freeze people and time! haha! omg.u wouldn't imagine what i would do with those thing okay..i might do something as crazy as the " falling in love at a coffee shop - landon pigg " video clip (go youtube it please ;p) or EVEN CRAZIERRRRR!! hihihihi...ouh and prue,the big sister,can move things just by swaying her hands..okay those i wanted during my lazy days..ability to see future? scary to see at most of the times but i admit that there are times that i wanted to know what would happen next.heh..

oh and of course,one thing that i hope it existed.PINTU SUKA HATI from doraemon! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..imagine how easy things would be if i have that door with me..the ability to go anywhere u have in mind,at anytime u wanted to..all u have to do is think hard enough about where u wanted to be and open the door and WALLA,UR THERE!!!! sumpah jimat duit dow.takyah beli tiket plane blk july ni.balik skrg pon saye boleh ok kawan2 >.<

but of course,all of this are pure imagination..something that we want to ease our life and we wish we had but will never have..we are human beings,created in this earth to live the ease and the hard ones too..not just the ease one..but sure fun to imagined ourselves being a suerhero saving lives..LOL..just dont imagine pople wearing red underwear outside a bright blue suit going to fly by ur window tonight lah kan.HAHA okay scary.mlm ni tutup tingkap >.<

p/s: i know i'm invisible..that's why you keep ignoring me. :) no hard feeling taken. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

You are not alone :)

Bak kata inianwarhadi,tak couple doesn't mean im stopping myself to love..okay that's not his exact words lah kan,but i think im giving the same msg single right now.tapi single bukanlah single dgn hati yg kosong,tapi berisi..hihi..fitrah manusia utk bercinta dan dicintai tak bleh nk disangkal lagi..cmne plak dgn cinta kita kpd Allah? Jgn sesekali perasaan cinta kpd bnda lain melebihi cinta kita padaNya dan rasulullah..klau pegang konsep ni,serious aku ckp...jiwa takkan kosong.percaya lah :):)

Tak salah nak bercinta..tpi beringatlah,besar mana cinta tu.. Bukan nak kata apa lah kn...cinta ni sbnrnya propaganda jerr..diorg buat lagu cinta dgn lirik masyuk2 mcm tu...sape tak tringin nak rasa perasaan tu kn? Samelah..tpi lately aku semcm dpt hidayah pula..alhamdulillah..cinta sesama manusia ni bukan matlamat utama kita nak cari kat dunia ni especially utk aku,pada masa skrg..tggjwb aku skrg ialah belajar,dan andaikata adelah yg nak dkt aku,jmputlah dtg rumah htr rombongan bertunang...dlm islam kn ckp,tunang ni tempoh bekenalan...kalau tanak,putuskn jelah..kalau nak,htr cincin plak hik3

Terima kasih anwarhadi sebab bgi kesedaran dkt aku..sblm ni bkn tak pernah terbace bnda mcm ni,dah byk kali..taktau pasai pa bila anwarhadi tulih terasa bzztt kjap dlm hati.amboi tu diaa..kemain! Hihi..saye sudah,anda bila lagi?hihi.just my 2 cents ;)

Monday, April 18, 2011


HAHA tajuk nak mengundang penampar je kan.i'm sorry for the not updated blog for like,a month..ok wow.lama tu..main reason - LAPTOP ROSAK..yess,my 5 years old laptop has decided to shut itself down (with the help of viruses) and making my life miserable..4 weeks of PBL i have to WRITE my objectives..terasa rajin sangat okay.lantak lah tulisan buruk ke hape,janji keje siap ye dok? ;p

and so,things are pretty good around here..basically all i did was going to class and back from class..misi menjadi skema separuh berjaya.haha..yelah kalau betul2 skema result kene gempak sekali kan.hee..i have mid term exam this 26th of april//and my final exam would be on people,wait for me to come hommmeeee!!~~ :D ouh and fyi,egypt is getting hotter,the weather i mean.haiya..yesterday was 39 celcius hokehhh.memang rasa macam kene bakor.kite bakor jer!! hee..

okey i am so having a writers block right now -__-" but then just an update,im fine over here thank you very much.the hot weather is making me a bit cranky but other than that everything is just fine..ada masalah jiwa,tapi macam takpe la bila masa je aku takde masalah jiwa kan haha..mana tak masalah kalau asik topik kawen je org nak cerita sekarang ni.korang igt aku tak stress ke.memang tak stress,sebab tu semalam jumpa uban dekat atas kepala ni kan >.< zzzzzzzzzzzz

i've noticed something,since i dun have a laptop and the only thing that entertain me much this days is my ipod,i realize that women and men,they have different ways in overcome a situation,specifically a break up.taktau nak explain macam mana,tapi kalau lelaki punya lagu,they seem to sing more about their good days together and all..tapi perempuan macam salu nak mengungkit,tak puas hati,pastu pura2 okay but from the lyrics itself we know she's just trying to console herself.heh.okay ni MAJORITY of the songs jerlah tak semua okay.and yeah i didn't check whether the songs are written by a men or women,tapi mcm tulah ceritanya okey dah malas nak elaborate okbai ;p

p/s: my diary is working out fine. :)