Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
don't just leave me hanging on...
you know, each time i saw u on the streets, i just have to look away for awhile, before i can look back at your face. why? while looking away, these things were on my mind :-
yeah. in a split second, that's how things r running inside my head. i just want to appear as perfect as any human being could be. especially when i'm with you.
and after that, even though i didn't look back at you, i hope YOU look back at me afterwards.
that's how much i'm in love with you. though i know i'll never get your love. :')
- i hope i look okay
- taking a deep breath. like, deeeeeeeeep breathhhhhhhhh.......
- do i have any zits on my face? if i do, i hope u didn't notice it
- i'm gonna smile at you. *ready for a big smile*
- i hope my face is not showing how much my heart actually jumps when i see you
- let's plan for a nice conversation with you
- i hope i don't do or say anything silly in front of you
- please don't trip. please don't trip. please don't trip. and please don't melt >.<
- i hope you get the best image of me.
yeah. in a split second, that's how things r running inside my head. i just want to appear as perfect as any human being could be. especially when i'm with you.
and after that, even though i didn't look back at you, i hope YOU look back at me afterwards.
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photo source : tumblr |
that's how much i'm in love with you. though i know i'll never get your love. :')
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
i know you knew
a friend of mine has made me wonder upon this one thing:-
"Based on psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love"
if this is true, them i'm already in love :">
i'm in love with my crush. haha! ok senget sangat statement.
walaupun aku rasa lagu najwa latif bunyi semua lebih kurang, this song is definitely better than cinta muka buku. like,waaaaaayyyy better. though its weird that dalam hati kau ada carta,as if kau suka ramai gila org but he's ur no one..aiyark!
i have only you tau in my heart. :3
p/s: 1st time tulis tajuk dulu baru buat post. :3
p/p/s: ZA kawen besok. acaner perasaan? agagaga. >.<
p/p/p/s: i still do.
"Based on psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love"
if this is true, them i'm already in love :">
i'm in love with my crush. haha! ok senget sangat statement.
walaupun aku rasa lagu najwa latif bunyi semua lebih kurang, this song is definitely better than cinta muka buku. like,waaaaaayyyy better. though its weird that dalam hati kau ada carta,as if kau suka ramai gila org but he's ur no one..aiyark!
i have only you tau in my heart. :3
p/s: 1st time tulis tajuk dulu baru buat post. :3
p/p/s: ZA kawen besok. acaner perasaan? agagaga. >.<
p/p/p/s: i still do.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
oh, indah~
macam tak percaya kita pergi holiday together. walaupon kau dgn kawan2 kau,aku dgn kawan2 aku...tapi tetap,we're going TOGETHER. sumpah comel..memang hobi aku lah kan,amik gmbr kau curi2..walaupon aku tau kalau aku nk amik gmbr kau,kau suka je nak pose depan camera tu..hihihi..
that day kita masuk shopping mall. the girls semua serbu the bags and makeups sections..yg lelaki usha2 baju..yadayadayada..dah berapa lama dalam tu,aku nmpk kau dekat cashier..taktau kenapa,time tu i have this huge urge to go towards you..and so i did..aku tunggu je kau dekat tepi cashier tu smpai kau abis bayar..sambil2 tu aku usha salesgirl sorang ni,pergh,lawa kot..haha ok im not a lesbian tapi sumpah lawa weh minah tu..sedar2 je kau dah abis byr,n kau pergi dekat aku..and you saw me looking at smthing,and you asked " tengok apa?? " and i told you " salesgirl tu lawa gila kot, dah mcm lisa surihani haha " and the we walked together...kau jalan depan aku,tiba-tiba,kau berhenti, pusing belakang, and hulur tangan kau. " jom, nak makan lah, lapar "..and tanpa segan silu, aku capai tangan itu..then we walked towards a crowded place. lepas tu kwn aku panggil " awakk..tunggu " so i reached out my other hand and tarik tangan kawan aku tu..pastu dgn selambanya aku cakap " sorrylah satu tangan je available ni,satu lagi tgh busy :p" lepas tu melopong mulut kawan aku bila dia perasan yg kau tgh pegang tgn aku..haha..kelakar..and then kwn aku terus cakap "dah agak dahh...tak lama korang ni mesti bercinta punyaaa" ..hee funny she said that..sebab aku sendiri masih tak percaya kau tgh pegang tangan aku..kau pandang aku,kau senyum je,n kau genggam erat tgn aku dan tarik kami pergi.
we were walking towards the food court, and let me tell you, it was the best walk i've ever had. exaggerate sangat kan, padahal jalan2 biase je dgn kau..sumpah rasa melayang kejap bila kau pandang aku that way..bila kau senyum and treated me with your smile. terasa special :3 dah sampai food court, finally, and pilih2 makanan, and so you have to let my hand go. lepas tu makcik cashier was babbling smthing about a festival yadayada when suddenly,i feel a shake on my body. i closed my eyes, and when i open it, i was on my bed, lying. and my phone is vibrating.
yes people, it was a dream.
apahal la sweet sangat kau ni sampai nak masuk mimpi aku? haih.
that day kita masuk shopping mall. the girls semua serbu the bags and makeups sections..yg lelaki usha2 baju..yadayadayada..dah berapa lama dalam tu,aku nmpk kau dekat cashier..taktau kenapa,time tu i have this huge urge to go towards you..and so i did..aku tunggu je kau dekat tepi cashier tu smpai kau abis bayar..sambil2 tu aku usha salesgirl sorang ni,pergh,lawa kot..haha ok im not a lesbian tapi sumpah lawa weh minah tu..sedar2 je kau dah abis byr,n kau pergi dekat aku..and you saw me looking at smthing,and you asked " tengok apa?? " and i told you " salesgirl tu lawa gila kot, dah mcm lisa surihani haha " and the we walked together...kau jalan depan aku,tiba-tiba,kau berhenti, pusing belakang, and hulur tangan kau. " jom, nak makan lah, lapar "..and tanpa segan silu, aku capai tangan itu..then we walked towards a crowded place. lepas tu kwn aku panggil " awakk..tunggu " so i reached out my other hand and tarik tangan kawan aku tu..pastu dgn selambanya aku cakap " sorrylah satu tangan je available ni,satu lagi tgh busy :p" lepas tu melopong mulut kawan aku bila dia perasan yg kau tgh pegang tgn aku..haha..kelakar..and then kwn aku terus cakap "dah agak dahh...tak lama korang ni mesti bercinta punyaaa" ..hee funny she said that..sebab aku sendiri masih tak percaya kau tgh pegang tangan aku..kau pandang aku,kau senyum je,n kau genggam erat tgn aku dan tarik kami pergi.
we were walking towards the food court, and let me tell you, it was the best walk i've ever had. exaggerate sangat kan, padahal jalan2 biase je dgn kau..sumpah rasa melayang kejap bila kau pandang aku that way..bila kau senyum and treated me with your smile. terasa special :3 dah sampai food court, finally, and pilih2 makanan, and so you have to let my hand go. lepas tu makcik cashier was babbling smthing about a festival yadayada when suddenly,i feel a shake on my body. i closed my eyes, and when i open it, i was on my bed, lying. and my phone is vibrating.
yes people, it was a dream.
apahal la sweet sangat kau ni sampai nak masuk mimpi aku? haih.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
challenge accepted? its 16 november already. remember on 11/11/11, i challenged my readers to do something for themselves? so, what did you do? :)
some of my friends did accept the challenge, and i was like, okaayy that's cool! and ada jugak a few friends yg achieve what they want a few days after. tehehe. so what if it happens on 13/11/11 ?? or 14/11/11? or whatever date it will be, all of them only comes once in a thousand years jugak! ^__^
there are people who,when being challenged like that,tend to do things more actively,or baru tergerak hati nak buat, sebab kena cabar. so the main reason i did the challenge is actually not for you to have a memorable thing on 11/11/11,but to realize that, you can do it, if you want to. its in the power of will :) everyday is special, so y not make ur everyday worth? :)
p/s: saya masih melangkah kecil.
some of my friends did accept the challenge, and i was like, okaayy that's cool! and ada jugak a few friends yg achieve what they want a few days after. tehehe. so what if it happens on 13/11/11 ?? or 14/11/11? or whatever date it will be, all of them only comes once in a thousand years jugak! ^__^
there are people who,when being challenged like that,tend to do things more actively,or baru tergerak hati nak buat, sebab kena cabar. so the main reason i did the challenge is actually not for you to have a memorable thing on 11/11/11,but to realize that, you can do it, if you want to. its in the power of will :) everyday is special, so y not make ur everyday worth? :)
p/s: saya masih melangkah kecil.
Monday, November 14, 2011
suatu petang. suatu kisah.
tadi, i nampak you.
dari jauh i dah tau tu you.
i kenal baju you. i kenal rambut you. i tau tu semua kawan2 you.
ekhem. i dah nervous. i dah betul2kan rambut i.
lap2 peluh dekat hidung.
tarik2 baju kasi kemas.
make sure badan tak bau. ah. bau perfume paris hilton pulak :)
nampak reflection dekat fire extinguisher tu. ah, okay. comel dah. hik hik.
you jalan ke arah i.
mata you tengok i. i senyum. i lambai you.
you angguk.
you terus berjalan ke i.
i berdiri kaku. nervous.
you tegur i. eh nak balik dah? samalah. okay.
sekarang you dengan i berjalan pulang. berdua. bersama.
sumpah rasa macam atas pelangi. bahagiaaaa :D
you. i dah lama nak cakap.
kadang-kadang i rasa macam i taknak cakap.
i rasa you tahu.
i suka you.
tiba2 berani mulut i cakap.
i sendiri terkedu. malu nak tengok muka you.
tapi i gagahkan diri,dah pandai mulakan kenalah berani utk tahu kan?
i angkat kepala, tatap muka you.
air muka you berubah.
you senyum hambar.
ouch. tachycardia. kencang jantung mengepam darah.
tangan dah mula menggigil.
peluh dah mula menitis.
i tunggu reaksi you.
you senyum lagi. kosong.
tiba-tiba you berhenti.
you suruh i pandang muka you.
saya pon suka awak, tapi, saya tak sangka awak pon suka saya.
awak cantik. awak ada karakter.
saya tahu ramai orang suka awak.
facebook awak, twitter awak, blog awak, semuanya saya baca.
dan saya tau awak ramai peminat.
jadi saya ingat, siapalah saya utk mencuba.
mungkin salah saya, sebab tak berani approach awak.
ye saya penakut. pengecut. saya tak sanggup kalau tidak yg awak jawab.
betul, saya suka awak.
tapi, tu dulu.
sekarang, hati saya sudah berpunya.
terngiang-ngiang 4 perkataan terakhir you.
hati saya sudah berpunya.
i diam. i tunduk malu.
i rasa bodoh. rasa nak lempang muka sendiri.
you macam tahu apa i pikir.
you pegang bahu i.
you angkat dagu i, suruh i pandang you.
awak, saya appreciate keberanian awak.
saya harap kita masih boleh berkawan kan?
coz it'll be a total lost kalau saya hilang manusia berharga macam awak.
you memang.
selalu buat hati i gundah gelana.
dari dulu sampai sekarang.
you teruskan perjalanan.
i ikut ajer.
betul, hati i hancur dengan ayat you.
tapi i lega dapat luahkan apa yang terbuku.
terima kasih you. sebab berterus terang.
i tetap pandang you sama macam selalu :')
Sunday, November 13, 2011
peti suara :)
ada sesuatu dalam suara awak. bila saya dengar, saya rasa tenang.
suara awak tu, familiar sangat di halwa telinga saya.
dalam banyak2 suara yang ada, suara awak jugak gegendang telinga saya dapat tangkap.
kalau pon di lautan manusia, dalam hiruk pikuk kota, kalau suara awaklah yang menyeru nama saya, serta merta saya sahut. sebab suara itu, gemersik itu, nada yang indah itu, saya kenal. :)
kadang-kadang rasa macam nak ambil peti suara awak, simpan dalam peti besi saya. supaya suara itu saya seorang yang boleh dengar.
awak, saya jatuh cinta dengan suara awak lah. :">
p/s: jangan gosip please. ini random. haha.
suara awak tu, familiar sangat di halwa telinga saya.
dalam banyak2 suara yang ada, suara awak jugak gegendang telinga saya dapat tangkap.
kalau pon di lautan manusia, dalam hiruk pikuk kota, kalau suara awaklah yang menyeru nama saya, serta merta saya sahut. sebab suara itu, gemersik itu, nada yang indah itu, saya kenal. :)
kadang-kadang rasa macam nak ambil peti suara awak, simpan dalam peti besi saya. supaya suara itu saya seorang yang boleh dengar.
awak, saya jatuh cinta dengan suara awak lah. :">
p/s: jangan gosip please. ini random. haha.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
i challenge you :)
tomorrow is 11/11/11...a pretty date that only occurs once every a thousand years. so lets make it a memorable moment for us. for you. for me. :)
i challenge each of you who reads this post, to do something on this date. something that you thought you never would do. something that is good for you but you are always afraid to do it. i challenge you to make a record for yourself! doesn't matter what its all about, as long as it is something that for you,impossible to achieve. :)
for example, ask someone to marry you. write a book or at least start writing one. go run 10km when at usual you'll only run 5km. post your first video on youtube. study the whole case when normally u can only do half. take your first sunrise picture. read the Quran more than you usually do. go say i love you to that someone. :) in simple word, do whatever you never thought you would do, do it tomorrow.
now, who would like to take this challenge? :)
i challenge each of you who reads this post, to do something on this date. something that you thought you never would do. something that is good for you but you are always afraid to do it. i challenge you to make a record for yourself! doesn't matter what its all about, as long as it is something that for you,impossible to achieve. :)
for example, ask someone to marry you. write a book or at least start writing one. go run 10km when at usual you'll only run 5km. post your first video on youtube. study the whole case when normally u can only do half. take your first sunrise picture. read the Quran more than you usually do. go say i love you to that someone. :) in simple word, do whatever you never thought you would do, do it tomorrow.
now, who would like to take this challenge? :)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
kita hanya merancang. Tuhan yg menentukan. :)
welcome november. be nice please :) salam zulhijjah!
p/s: when they say that ex lovers can never be friends, now i know why. when i see your face, i see the image of you and her together. and that image hurts me. takpelah. redha. :')
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