Saturday, December 22, 2012

oranges and mama

i was eating some oranges and i have this huuggggeeee urge to dip it in kicap and gula, the way my mom and i used to have it together. and suddenly my mind is fantasizing of eating mangga muda cicah colek madu. ya rabbi, sedap gila i tell you! mangga muda ke jambu batu ke jambu air ke. perghhh. n our way of eating colek dengan buah is, actually making the fruit as the spoon to eat up those colek. muehehehe.. teringat time chinese new year, berkotak-kotak oranges beli. we ate it like there's no tomorrow. sekali makan mesti empat bijik terus. lol. and my dad would go like " awak dengan mak awak sama je " :p

... and to tell you the truth, that was the biggest compliment ever :3

the hipster pose. hikhik.

now that i'm in my hematology round, leukemia reminds me of her. and now that i know all those pain and how strong she was back then, i am so gonna do the same. the strong part, i mean. she was so strong, i never really see her suffering, going through all those chemotherapy, she was always cool and funny and happy and energetic, until only the last few months before she passed away. mama, i promise you i'll be as strong as you were.

this post is for you, simply because i miss my mama. al fatihah.

p/s: baru selesema dah rasa lemah. gotta stay strong and hope those oranges can help fight those germs lol.


Imran said...

Semoga beliau sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Al-fatihah :)

fuzzyskuzzy said...

amin, insyaAllah. thanks imran. :)