Monday, January 11, 2010

chipsy teman setia

woot woot..lame tak update..demam ape..haha..mmg demam pon. ;p i catch a fever during new year's eve.menarek kan? haha..

ok senanye tak update sbb....nk upload gmbr netball..tpi,org yg mngambil gmbr tak bgi2 lagi,n bnd tu da mcm 10 ari yg lalu,watever..i'll update wthout d yeah,on 1st january 2010,we have a netball tournament..which,was more likely like a rugby tournament T_T...oke,so i played the GA position,the goal attack..and,all the GD which is the goal defense who r responsible to jaga me,they were like,SGT GANAS! and i was a bit pissed off bile other team accused me 4 being ganas..sbb rasenye aku yg kene buli kot T_T...i was being pushed,orang pijak my finger,they step on my feet smpai kasut tercabut time tgh game,my head bangs on the floor TWICE mcm bola sbb kene tolak dgn sgt kuat,and i got bruises on the head 4 dat.ouh sgt menarek okeh..! n lutut n tgn ade lebam2 mnunjukkan keganasan mereka terhadap saye..sobs..and i was being a bit rough pon sbb nk bgi same ngn diorg..hee..but the overall game was superb! 2 games out of 5 je yg menang,tpi lawan sume seniors..kire cool gk per kn kn kn..huhu...n yeah,i hope there's no hard feelings..time game tu mrh2 takpe,abes game abes la keyh? ;)

class is already,im preparing for my final exam for semester 1..which will start on the 28th january..wish me luck!! ouh n yeah,kepade semua yg nk exam jugak,good luck peeps! all the best kayh? ;)

nowadays i've been attack by insomnia.seriously annoying okeh..tgh musim2 nk final ni la nk insomnia T_T...n when i do get my sleeps,i'll get those weird dreams yg mcm misterious gile n sgt pnat bile bgn..ugghh...takpon,mimpi pasal orang2 yang aku taknak tau n taknak ambik tau n tibe2 dia ade dlm mimpi tu and bagi aku masalah yg sgt byk..haih..sng cite,mmpi sume bermasalah..atau mungkin aku yg sedang bermasalah? brr brr..

saye baru sedar..well actually da lame sedar,cume tersedar kembali setelah sekian lame meng-ignore situasi..dia mmpunyai mata yg sangat cantik and mesmerizing and saye sangat suke.hee.tapi..saye dah lama tak nmpk dia..n tak tegor dia..n tak bercakap ngn dia..sape dia dengan saye pon saye sudah tidak tahu..haih.bodobetolla..yg pegi mimpi dia tu buat ape? T_T obviously i miss him.

lagi dua hari birthday ex-bestfriend..haha..nak wish,tapi kang,perang dunia keempat plak bdak kcik tu buat.haih..M****,happy upcoming bday bro! i miss those days with u..kalau la aku boleh simbah air sejuk lagi kt ko on ur bday..heeeeeeee..........seriously missing you.the old you.the 'ur-my-best-fren-4ever' you..damn betol la.kan aku da emo.. -_-"

gtg now..time utk membace med term. T_T


P.E.N.S.I.L L.A.N.G.I.T said...

Faz.. entry awak mmg klakar.. hahah .. goodluck..

ringo said...

hahahah padan mke kene buli