Monday, January 30, 2012


aku dah cuba untuk tidak bercakap mengenai perkahwinan..namun begitu nampaknya daku tewas lagi..lagi tu tak tahan..miahaha..ahh face it,at the age like this, u'd be haunted by questions about marriage. takpe kot, dah besar boleh pikir pasal kahwin. hihi. tapi tak bermaksud aku kena kahwin secepat mungkin kan. cuma dah boleh pikir jelah. (tapi kalau dapat kahwin seronok juga hikhikhik *gelak gatal*)

so ini nak cerita, dekat kawan2 especially yg dekat malaysia. ada some of u guys aku pernah cerita pasal unit bait muslim kan? ala, yg aku ckp ala2 agensi cari jodoh tu..haaa..ini serious. and finally diorang dah tampil dan mengeluarkan carta aliran yg sangat cool tunjuk proses pemilihan calon macam mana.. jeng3 :p

btw bagi yg taktau, ikhwah is lelaki and akhawat is perempuan. dan UBM ialah Unit Baitul Muslim. utk cerita penuhnya, boleh KLIK SINI!

soalan, perlu tak aku hantar borang ke UBM sekarang ni? miahahahahaa. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

khalas fi imtihan


selesai exam semester 5. serious rasa tak percaya dah habis sem 5..sem 5 tu kalau dekat unikop dlu dah kira senior dah..dekat sini,separuh jalan lagi.jauh lagi perjalananku, takpelah. demi bergelar doktor insyaAllah.

risau sebenarnya, sebab sem 5 ni banyak main. tak fokus. dan exam susah. ya Allah, semoga najah semuanya T__T malas nak cerita pasal exam haritu. dipendekkan, bagi aku, susah..dan aku harap markah aku cukuplah utk sampai ke taraf lulus tu..i want to go back summer. tanak summer exam T__T

jadinya sekarang aku sudah cuti. cuti winter break. dua minggu katanya..dan sebab dua minggu je cuti, aku pon jadi malas nak balik malaysia winter ni..hihi..insyaAllah bakal berjalan-jalan cari pakwe pasal di negara orang awal february demi mengisi masa lapang ^^ boleh kata tak sabar jugaklah, tapi sekarang ni memang rasa nak berehat dulu dekat rumah. kasi bertenang. kumpul tenaga nak holiday orang kata. miahahaha. tapi rasanya dari duduk saja dalam rumah, elok jugak aku pergi bersenam. study week dan exam week telah mengepam pipiku sehingga menjadi bulat dan *ekhem* gebu *ekhem* macam kuih pau goreng. kenapa pau goreng, sebab kalau pau tu putih sangat kulitnya. kulit aku kira pau goreng la. hewhewhew :3 tu baru pipi, bahagian lain, herrm, malas cerita. :p

sebenarnya aku ada benda nak share,especially dekat kawan2 dekat Malaysia..tapi aku rasa macam, nak buat satu entry khas utk perkara itu. jadinya, tggu next entry okeh :D:D

cantik di mata kita, tak mesti cantik di mata dia.  

p/s: mungkin, bukan kau yang aku cari. mungkin.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

what 6 degree celcius can do to you

yes. its 6 celcius in Mansoura Egypt.

and its 4 am in the morning -,-

kalau Mansoura ni London ke New York ke memang dah salji dah. nasib baik ni Egypt. tak cukup humidity utk salji. tapi kalau Mansoura salji mmg style la! :p

6 hari lagi exam. and here i am writing a blog. sebab apa? sebab pukul 4 pagi ni, sejuk2 ni, tiba2 aku ada keinginan utk balik Malaysia dan kahwin.


environmental factor. please don't blame me  :3

btw aku takdelah gatal sgt nak kahwin tahap wajib kahwin ke apa. tapi cuma rasa macam, aaa at this age i should be worrying about getting married already. tu lah dulu kata nak kawen umur 27 KONON. 24 pon tak masuk lagi dah nak kahwin. haih. blame Egypt for having so many couples yg berkahwin. holding hands pergi kelas. bila sejuk ada org pelukkan. pergi joging sama2, naik basikal sama2..aagghh bahagia nya :') lepas tu kawan2 sekeliling makin lama makin ramai yg kawen..mmber2 yg dah ada anak tu dah mcm otw anak seterusnya..dan aku masih belajar. kerja pon belum wey. homai. tapi takpelah, dah ni jalan yg aku pilih..bak kata pepatah berakit2 ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. :3 pepatah ke tu eh? ah whatever.

masalahnya, topik kahwin pon tak pernah disebut dengan abah. camne nak bincang pasal kahwin weh. macam scary je. wahahaha.

anyways siapa yg baca ni, doa2 lah jodoh aku cepat sampai. jangan lupa doakan aku dapat suami yg soleh. yg dapat membimbing aku, menjaga aku, tahan dengan kerenah lebih2 pulak kan hewhewhew

k this is actually to keep me awake. byk lagi tak study ni. T_T later peeps :):)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

flaws and rawrs

i can never go a day without having my feet knocking down the chair.
or the door.
or whatever that's in the way

i can never wash the dishes without having the water and the soap to splash onto my clothes.
even if i'm only washing a spoon.

i always misplaced my things. especially my cellphone.
the last time my friend found it inside my closet -.-

i'm clumsy in a way.
in many ways, yeah -.-

i have problems handling technologies.
they despise me in a way.

i have never been in a good relationship with a blender.
yes, a blender.
the worst is with a grinder. the smaller version of a blender.
i think we have like disagreement each time we 'met'.

i'm a typo queen.
can't write a full page without having a spelling error.

my nose go red when i'm cold.
my hand will be blue and cold like the ice.
cold weather is never a best friend to me.
but yea can't stand the heat either :-S

i have flaws, here and there.
i am imperfect.

but i wish you'll always see me as the perfect one.
well at least the perfect one for you :>

coz my imperfection will lose its flaws, by the presence of you. :>

please bare my imperfection, for i will do the same to you too.
and we'll be the perfect two. :3

hello future husband. this is for you. teheheheheeeeee.

the perfect couple. i miss you. :'>

p/s: imaginasi tinggi bila tengah malam.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


heyy this is only a quick update, which i should done a long time ago,but oh well. hello beoble! so how shall i start eh? hurm. ok this is hard, since im kinda having a writer's block right now. heh. ok, first go to this link :-

yeah the underline word is clickable. just click on the words and it'll bring you to where i wanted you to go :p okey so once u've seen the page, press LIKE. got it? ok now. go here pulak :-

dah belum,ok now click LIKE again! jyeahh! i've submitted a photo for the happiness photo contest! wehoo. my first time ever submitting a picture for a contest. heee.

so the real reason i am submitting this is not really to win (habislah can kau paz..muahaha) but to gain experience. :) saja nak rasa macam mana masuk competition. nak tengok bape ramai strangers nak like gambar kita. hihi. by the way i always think that all this "you-have-to-have-the-most-like-to-win" contest is somehow a popularity contest. which, for sure lah aku tak menang weyh sebab tak cukup popular kannn hihi tapiiii..let me tell you a story about how and why i choose this picture ok? :)

so, mula2, it was a friend of mine, she's the one who's entering the contest. n she asked us to like her picture. pastu dia mcm "korang nk join pon boleh!"...somehow terus rasa nak join :3 tapi tulah. actually most of my pictures, i left it at home. dad's, picisan2 adelah dalam laptop nih. terpikir la jugak, nk letak gmbr apelah kn..huhu..

mulalah proses menggodek folder. mula2 i was thinking of an easy win - gambar budak2..especially cute ones,pipi labuh2,kulit montel gebu bagai.hahahaa..tapi, i don't have any pics liddat. almaklumlah, rumah bujang :3 so i think about the title - HAPPINESS. kegembiraan. so i rewind my memories to what has make me happy. igt nk letak gmbr volley,tapi my friend tu dah ltak gambar sports cancel volley..pikir2 lagi, and i remembered my winter break trip.. :3 godeh2 gambar,mmg lah byk gambar2 happy..mula2 nak letak gambar kitorg lompat, but i don't want to be typical. sebab tgk pon dah ramai letak gmbr lompat2 kan..mcm tak best plak semua gambar sama je..scroll punya scroll..jumpa lah gambar tu..n the reason why i choose that pic is,at that time we were really having fun :) igt lagi,masa nak capture kat situ, we were like "ok smua buat2 mcm menang jugak mcm patung ni " n then everyone went "yeeeaaaahhhh!!!" :D:D:D so u see, the mood of the picture, that's what i called HAPPINESS :)

ok dah blur. end of story. lol. jadi pembaca sekalian, jemputlah like gambar saye yeeee ^__^ and likelah jugak mana2 gambar that you think deserve to wins. :)

later!~~ salam :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

adakah saya bakal berkahwin pada 2012??


saja buat tajuk kontroversi. hewhewhew. sebab ade la sorang hamba Allah ni,suruh kita kahwin masa umur 24..ade ke patut..kot ye pon nak suruh kite kawen, bagi la calon2 calon pon takde, acaner, tak cukup nak rukun nikah! haha!

btw dah berapa hari tangguh nak tulis wallpost ni, tapi disebabkan hari ni adelah hari terakhir dalam tahun 2011, makanya terasa sangat perlu untuk menulis sesuatu di sini. :)

so how do i end my 2011?

poster presentation day for semester 5 - the 'free 50 marks for final exam' day :p
participating in the Volleyball tournament - as a player and also as the cheer squad :p 

witnessing the cutest fireworks ever. haha. during the final girls match :)

fine dine at Fish Corner (this is NOT the only thing we ate :D) btw the shrimp was gooooooddd~~ ^__^

chocolate shopping at Chocola, the new shop in Mansoura. sumpah cool gila chocs dia! terubat rindu pada Malaysia :3 (plus, ada jual air kelapa! tu tu dalam botol tu! ^__^)

gossips and quality time spent with ze housemates, what more could i ask? <3 alhamdulillah for another year. 2012, insyaAllah jika panjang umurku, kita akan bersama ke penghujungnya. :)

p/s: time to hit the books. 18 days to final exam. selamat berjuang rakan-rakan yg juga exam :)