Sunday, November 22, 2009

berita hari ini

lunch at brema..while walking home,we stop by at a pharmacy...end up buying a weighing scale! n yes,d most important part is,

i've loss weight.SERIOUSLY!!!!!! 2kg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aku sgt sayang penimbang itu! :D:D:D:D

Saturday, November 21, 2009

i am so confused


smtimes,i just dunno what to think n how to make a decision.smtimes i dunno wat i've done wrong until people start accused me of stuffs.i am confused with myself, people surrounding me, with strangers, with the weather, with everything.things are so blurr nowadays..i dunno y..i wonder y?

its time 4 me to have some time for myself.i am in need of a shopping therapy like,immediately! ouh cairo! tggu kedatangan ku! ngeeeeeeeeee!

i should really start preparing myself for the upcoming exams..but with things happening around me,i just don't know y,but the laziness starts to fills the airrrrr if u know wat i mean..huhuh..PLUS,i hate case 6..ouh what the heck,like i hav a choice..kne study jugak nk tanak,daaaammmmnnnnn T_T

yesterday,i have this bad feelings..i dunno y,feels like smthing bad is going to happen to my closest i texted everyone dat i can rmmbr of,hoping everyone is fine..masalahnye,dua org je yg reply T_T...n i go to sleep feeling unsecured and susah ati n x sdap ati n sume2 perasaan yg tak best..sangat UNCOOL..i even get a weird reply,i mean,VERY WEIRD,yg mcm tak mnjwb soalan tapi mcm errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tapi takpe mls nk pk.huhuhu. ;p but hey people.don't get weird okeh..i am always like dat..smtimes i just had this sense,n usually my sense is true..but yesterday taktau la sape yg tlibat but mmg rase tak best gile laaaaaa.....huk2..

i am so cold,my feet is turning blue.SERIOUSLY.

ouh,selamat pengantin baru topan & kak yunn!! semoga kekal hingga akhir hayat..maaf lah topan,faz xdpt nk tunaikan permintaan peti ais 6 pintu tuh..kat mesir skang enn...nk uat canewww...hahaha!! hope the reception went well okehh..faz doakan yg terbaek utk korang..heeeee..

p/s: macam seronok pula kawan2 dah kawen...hai si kacak saya,bila nak jumpe niiiiiiiiiiii.....................

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i should be sleeping

the last post was my 178 posts in fav no.yeay! i shud celebrate! haha! oke pathetic T_T

1st lesson of the day : DON'T complete ur PBL last minute.u'll end up sleeping for not more than 2 hours n the result is u'll be silly for d whole day.u will not stop laughing, being silly, flirting with everyone and SIKIT LAGI nk terkantoi macam2 wehhhhhhhhhhhhh....but somehow,its a good laugh..reminds me of frens back in malaysia.dammnnn homesick lgi T_T,with mind half awake all day long,lets recall wat had happen today.hee.this shud b interesting.started with being late to class,but not that late la..but still kne dok blkg..but i kinda like to seat at d back smhow..nk kate da bosan dok dpn x la,tpi sbab kt blkg ade lampu so nk mnulis lbih mudah..isn't there any genius out there wud like to invent smthing like,a pen maybe,which hav sum sort of lamp dat cud give sum lights on the paper we're writing on but the lights will not kacau mate org sblh or attract much attention from surroundings..kire mcm,just me,pen and the paper.whoa cool.oke merepek..after lecture,there's PBL.i saw Faizal Tahir,and he makes me happy.bcoz i just posted in FB dat i miss Faizal Tahir n POOFF there he is depan nye..if only wat i said i miss wud appear in front of my eyes,WHOA sgt cool..! ngee..i laughed a lot during PBL.everything seems so funny.mungkin ade gas ketawa dalam blik tu.hmmm...

went to Etisalat to pay 4 the broadbands under my name..pastu mse blk lalu taman dlm gamaah.pretty pretty pretty!!!!! :D:D:D:D ouh n then blk lalu istad.saje mengade.i just LOVE istad.don't u guys?? haha.but i can't find what i am looking for..aww..ok kantoi ade niat lain lalu situ -_-"..tapi cool least jalan dlm tu is much more prettier than lalu area gala' yg sesak dn mnyakitkn ati tu.hee. ;p alasan je.tau.haha.weh ape aku merepek nieeeeeeee~

plan to hav my dinner at nusan,tpi nusan tutup.ouh sgt gedik.n perut sudah ouh sgt lapa..n so we decided to eat at nusan 2..otw there,it 15 seconds..but its dat 15 seconds of rains dat makes my baju still not dry yet wpon da bpe ari jemur.see.i hate winter! ngee..ouh n then i think i may talk too much at nusan 2 tadi.maaf yer.sape yg kene sakat tu,u hav to undrstnd,there's the time when i'll b dat mereng n dat annoying.hahaa..!! ;p went home,watch PS I Love You,and cried..i know,i've watched them so freakin many times already but stiilllllll romantic kootttttt!!!! touching gileeeee...!!~~~ ouh n wanna know a secret? when i 1st read d novels,i smhow had this thought in my mind,dat mayb my life wud be like Holly's..where my loved one will leave me when i really need it the most..haih..tu yg lagi touching tgk tu..tpi novel dia superduper lagi sweet la..but my book is history already.i can't rmmbr to whom i lend it to.i think its with my ex-bestfriend.ergh.nak mintak takleh,nnti awek dia mrh. *roll eyes* hahaa!

see.when u fill ur days with activities,ur world wud seems less sucks somehow..socialize a bit,at the right times.with the right person.

maybe i have a little prob with finding d right person thing.still in search of frens dat can reeaaaalllyyy relate to me..but frens dat i hangout with today is cool! me likey! ;p u know who u are :D

weh tadi aku tibe2 ter pk..dorg salu ckp,ssh nk dpt umah utk 6org thn 2 nnti..samane nk idop kalo takde liyana utk dibuli? tiade zarith sbg pembekal video2 pelik dari korea? tiade zan utk kami blaja bahase utare n bhs tamil?? tiada tira utk dipanggil mak? tiade fathin yg tau sume gosip saye??? samaneeeee samaneeeeee???!!!

takyah pk skang.lambat lagi kot.LOL.

baiklah.saya patut tidur.segera.sebelom lebih merepek.

quote from Dr. Zakria: " its a normal female.........errmmm i don't know if there's anything called a normal female....." grrr...boleh plak en..haha..!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

tak boleh blah

gosipgosipgosipgosip kua balik cite zaman2 tak sampai Mesir lagi.UKM...UM...

oke cite kat UKM takyah bukak aa sebab mcm bangang n byk sgt bnda jadi yg bile da dgr byk versi ur jaw will drop and mcm whooaaaahhhhhkkaaayyyyyyy.....

" kat UM aritu dorg da ckp da byk mamat2 hot,senior kite la tu "

recalling my memories on siape jer yg ade time kat UM tu,buat aku nak tergelak.

oke mmg aku gelak.gile babi.

tak hot la wehhhh...!!!!!!!!!! mesti mcm mnyesal datang mesir skang en en en en.HAHA! no offense :D

p/s: 3.10 am.otak beku weh.sejuk sgt smpai otak pon boleh beku.hoh.

otak beku pon aku masih rasa macam nk marah org.tpi semua org dah tido.aku nk marah sape?

egypt sgt cool hari ni

tadi pagi masa jln gi klas,aku terasa gamaah tu sgt cantik..ajaib kan.padahal construction gilebabi bersepah smpai aku pon pning ni universiti ke kwsn pmbinaan ke tmpt bru kne bom ke ape..haha.tapi pagi tadi lain..terbayang2 kamera kt rumah..pastu aku ckp kt zan,one day aku nk photoshoot dlm gamaah tu dow.huh.besar gile angan2.padahal kamera basic kit jer.flash pon takdew -_-"

balik gamaah pon aku masih rase egypt tgh cool.mmg la tgh sejuk,tapi ini bukan cold ye kwn2,tapi cool..sgt hebat..selain daripade binaan berbentuk gitar kt dpan gamaah tdi,org2 dia sume mcm lain sgt harini.seperti ade prasaan yg laen hari ni.aku rase cool gile bile,kdai buah cikai2 pon gantung bendera Egypt..teksi,kete biase,dan knderaan lain sibuk usung bendera Egypt..mamat2 Arab siap conteng muka dgn bendera Egypt.dorang ade match bola hari ni.aku pegi kedai mane2 sume soh doakan Egypt menang.aku pon amin kan aje..sbb aku rase msti lgi cool bile dorang menang..haha.

malam tu,ktorg kua nk gi amik parcel kt blok C.lagi cool bile aku tgk semua kdai tutup.TGK BOLA.kdai yg bukak pon smua tgh mnghadap tv.jalan raye sgt lengang.bygkan weh....syariq jihan tu kosong takde kete..COOL GILERRR..bleh guling2 atas jalan,tapi no one wants to do that la.gilebabi kotor plak en..eww..haha..pastu,berjalan2 mngambil angin luar (padahal cari mkn sbb lapa n mls msk tpi end up kne masak jugak pffttttt naseb baik rajin balik sbb da lapa sgt hahahaha) n at dat time bola pon abessss..sume sorak2..hon2..pastu ade mamat egypt sorak2 bgtau ktorg egypt menang dua kosonggg..! padahal ktorg da tau.haha..tapi ktorg lynkn je..ktorg tpuk tgn n jerit2 whoooaaahhh pastu dorg excited n bgi flying kiss n cakap dia syg cool~...n mase tgh masak tibe2 dgr bdak2 kecik nyanyii,hon2,,d sound of celebration..! best wehhhhhhhh!!!! best best! super cooolllll!! ok msti da annoying bce byk sgt pkataan cool kn..ngee..tpi tulah.ia sgt.COOLIO! :D

ouh.ajaib.harini takde org kawin.semua sibuk tgk gile \^^/

 tapi,satu je event tak cool.mak arab dlm klas tadi super annoying.ughh.

oh jap.muungkin dua event tak cool.lagi satu apa? ouh biarlah rahsia. ;p

Friday, November 13, 2009

another heart calls

You are not sweet, you are kind

You are not handsome, you are cute

You don't have angelic voice, but your voice is just soothing

You are not that friendly, but that's because you are so shy

I found many reasons to like you, somehow hoping one day u would know.

U would know

How much I adore you

How much I think of you

How happy I am to see you

How glad I am to talk to you

How nice to meet someone like you

How relieved to know that I have a friend like you

Somehow, missing you is the best thing to do

Even though you’ll never know how I feel about you.


To have the chance to love you is one thing

To be loved by you, well that’s something I’ll never want to lose.

“Still got a piece of you under my skin, it’s always there no matter where I’ve been“

- jiwang kerana terlalu banyak mendengar lagu cinta dan menonton filem romantic. haha… -

p/s: semakin hari semakin gemok.mesir….mesir……

Thursday, November 12, 2009

the night before i received case 5

saye mahu berkaraoke.mahu yg amat tinggi.stressssssss ssiiioootttttt...!!!!!

mansoura takde karaoke..pfftttt.....

oke la kalo takde karaoke movie marathon la.pavillion ke..

oke pavillion jauh sgt..tau.-_-"

takponnn...boling pon best gaaakkkk!!!

jom housemates ku.!! kite susun botol2 air tu uat pin..tapi...

bola dia nk pakai ape??

WEH I NEED SOME SORT OF HIBURAN A.S.A.P sebelum aku jadi lebih stress 4 d upcoming mid term exam.tolong toloooonnggggg!!~~~

menonton kipas berpusing juga kadangkala seronok

atau menonton vitamin c soluble sedang meng-soluble kn dirinye juge bleh jadi satu event yg cool.

tgk.kritikal kn keadaan saye???

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

my thoughts ;p

  • guys in shorts
  • guys in baju melayu ( full set)
  • guys with guitar
  • guys playing drum
  • guys with long,straight hair
  • guys with long,curly hair
  • bald guys
  • guys playing sports

what do they have in common?

u can light ur matches with them.

got it? ;p

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

omong kosong yok.

tadi..i nmpk u...
i tau,u ponn nmpk i kn?
tapi jauhhh...
i nmpk u pndg i..
i tau u pon sedar i tgh tgk u..
i nk angkt tgn...
i nk senyumm...
tapi..i segan...
so,kite dua buat2 taktau jer...
tapi takpe..sebab nmpk u je pon,
i dah ckup hepy..

smlm u ckp,arini u ade exam
siap bagitau lagi pukul brapa...
i ckp,good luck
u ckp..thanks =)..
time u tgh exam tu,i yg nervous gile
i asik tgk jam je..
nasib kwn2 i tak sedar..
kalau x,mesti dorg perli2..
bile i rase exam u da abes..i plak yg rase lega..
mengade je i kan? ;p

tadi petang i lepak..
i nmpk kwn2 u..
tapi u takde..
tak kisah la tu..
tapi,bile dorg lepak skali dgn i..
i harap mcm u pon ade kt ctu..
u pon gelak sama2..
u pon gosip sama2..

mesti best kan?

malam td..i msg u..
i tnye u psl exm tdi..
tapi u x reply plak..
takpelah..i tak kisah..
i phm u tak suke msg kn?
tapi takpe..i tau,u mesti ok punye..
arini,asyik igt u je..
kenape tah..

agaknye..u terigt tak kt I mcm I igt kt u?


just bcoz of a video,u labelled so so lame.but yeah whatever,i seriously don't care..i feel dat i need not to say much about this stupid thing..coz u know what,i ain't gonna change a thing.we're still gonna b just like what we wanted to yeah,keep talking.ur making me oh-so-famous! ;)

post atas tu is just a random post oke.jangan sebar gossip.haha.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

aku lapar -_-"

clearly,the issue of discrimination among us has been getting more serious days after days..and clearly,people here still can't figure out how i work things out n how i handle stuffs..

if u started to get to know me,u'll c dat i am just being me..i talk a lot,i swear smtimes,i hav my own way on saying things,i am honest,and i like to make things straight..i dun really care what'll happen,i'll just share my opinions..its nothing bad really,its just an opinion..and yea,i do like to praise guys..but dat doesn't mean dat i am gatal,or smthing similiar to just saying my opinions and tell people how i feel about them.yes,i am that honest.if i do like somebody,i'll tell him..nothing's wrong with it for me,n dat way i'll know what he feels about me,too..

situation now is,there's this rumors..saying dat i like smone.obviously,i do.but,not in a way dat people think i do..i do have my rights to express how i feel about smone right? and yeah,not everyone dat i like means i wanted all of them to be i just wanted to be b honest,i still can't find any good guy frens like the one i hav back in Malaysia.u just hav to know,and i don't know how many times already i've been telling people this fact,but yeah,i do feel a lot more comfortable smtimes talking to a guy fren rather than the girls..

ouh n yeah..smhow i really like dis one guy.but i just want to be friends tho.can't his frens just keep their mouth shut and let us be normal friends? u guys r making things so simple become SO complicated.i don't get it.ur just ouh-so-annoying! hope u evaporate and disappear to the thin air.. -_-"

and about those discrimination thing? stop la.stop acting so childish..we're far away from home.we need each other's support..don be all too cocky and arrogant and all..its not gonna bring u anywhere pon..merugikan diri sendiri ajer..

missing all of u guys back home..sob sob.

gambar nak klasik jer semua.haha. ;p

ouh nk tgk gmbr tu bsar sket sile lah klik.jgn malu2.haha ;p

Friday, November 6, 2009

tell me...

i don't understand y...
i know i get mad at you yesterday ouh winter..but do u hav to go away dat fast? y today u went very hot when i am all ready for your coldness by wearing 4 lapis of clothes? panas weeehhhh....

i don't understand y...
y does the fake test had to be postpone to monday,when i am all ready for the fake test? siap slumber party bace notes lagi mlm smlm..grr..

i don't understand y...
y must there be this discriminations towards us juniors? i mean,does it hav to be mcm " ouh ko junior,aku senior..takleh geng.." or like " oh takde..tadi aku tlg junior aku..." i mean..can't we just be friends? its not like our age gap is dat much la kn..tak best la kerek2 nih..sorry,tak berniat nk tujukan kt sesape pon,tapi cm,if u guys nk kerek ngn jr pon kerekla dgn yg kerek dgn korg je..ngeee..we can be friends,and still we can still respect u guys as our problem for me..oggey?

i don't understand y...
facebook is soo dengki..and doesn't allow me to update pics..da la rmai gile mintak gmbr time bday pe'ah aritu kt Ceasar..ishh tensi saye!! -_-" YM is well-know la kn for its dengki-ness towards me..bagi la saye onlinee...grrrr...

im..y do u hav to choose dat arabic girl rather than choosing me????? oke joking aje ;p;p

i skipped my period..means my hormone is so frigginly unstabilize rite now..but...whyyyy???

everything makes me wonder y..

and y am i so eager in updating my blog? da mcm ari2 post baru la plak annoying pon ade gak enn...

but that one i know d answer..i just wanna share my experience here in egypt 4 my friends back in dat nanti aku blk,kte lepak mapley,kalo aku ade terlupe nk ckp smthing korg bleh bring it up en sbb korg da bc la jgk dlm blog aku en..hahaha..bijak kn kn kn LOL

p/s: kpd yg tggu gmbr bday Pe'ah kt Ceaser aritu,sorry la..internet so fucking lambat and facebook is damn jahat tanak bagi aku upload..pffttt...what's with all the swearing? haih faz starting to annoy myself saye mmg annoying.maaf lah. ^^

p/s/s: ouh tadi saye tgk cite just my luck dan saye gembira sbb banyak laki kacak dlm cite tu and ade Mc Fly and i just don't get it.luck? wth do.dats just damn too lucky.

you know you love me.OUH SO GOSSIP GIRLS! aku tapaham kenabe sume obses tgk cite i'll start wtching them too.soon. ;p

Thursday, November 5, 2009

winter sudah!

i officially hates winter.winter makes my feet went cold like,ALL d time and my nose bleed n it hurts and my stomach hurt,d skin started to dry off and it is so uncool. -_-"

yeay i got a new tilam! b4 dis my tilam was like so daif yg kalo baring feels like in prison,coz bleh rase kayu2 katil tu..the new tilam is so the very comfy smpai rase mcm nk tido skarang pdahal bru pkul 7.22pm.hahahaha.mlampaw la kau faz..oh btw,special thanxx to ustad halim,anep and riz (btol ke ni nme dia?) and fendi 4 angkut-ing the tilam tilam tu SUPER HEAVY.seriously..da la yg tlg tadi kecil2 belake,termasuk ustad halim..haih..sungguh rase bersalah..maaf2! jasamu ku kenang sampai bila2 :D:D

i just watched selamat pagi cinta this was hopeless romantic okeh.i hav this thing when watchiing this kinda movie..i just can't accept tha fact dat the love story between them was like,sooo sweet and i was like,soooo jealousss okeeehhh....! mane pergi lelaki2 seperti mereka itu? mane mane?? oke faz..jgn emo..cool2.. ;p

esok fake they call..klo dlu pgl kuiz sudahh..hahaha..tapi,nervous jgk..wish me all d best! :D ( esok test pon smpt lyn satu movie..ngahahaha.. )

p/s: ashraf anak baba (tuan rumah) is like so friggin handsome okee..! do come to our house lagi dan lagi dan lagi..cuci mate kami.ngeeeeeeeeeeee :D:D

p/s/s: piqal.i know u don't read my blog.but if somehow u came across this post,fyi,i know nothing will happen smpai jumaat ni..btol piqall....percayelaaaa...huhuhu.its a false alarm..ngeee...

p/s/s/s: internet sgguh dengki.aku nk update blog je dia fail.grr..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


tadi buat social interview kt FB pastu dia tnye, waht is ur biggest obsession right now?


i seriously don't know.i can't say im obsessed with blogger boy,since i haven't watched that series like so fucking long time da wehh..n the internet is still not stabilize so nk tgk catch up tv tu mcm serupe ko takyah tgk la..hee..i can say that i am obsessed with this song and that song,but i don't think dat as my BIGGEST obsession pon la kn..coz we need bigger impact for it to b the BIGGEST obsession kan kan.. ;p ( ouh tapi lagu Thinking Of You - Caprice ft. Annatasha sgt styleeeeee ) i don't have big obsession on mariah carey mcm kichan......ngeee...i do like taylor swift,AAR,etc etc but tis not like i buy all their cds n listen to their song like,24 hours per day pon i was like,DAMN aku takde obsession ke dowwww.....tpi its gud la kn..means im not wasting my time focusing on one thing and becoming obsessed with it en? tapi,ade tak org obsess dgn buku? mesti ada.ouh saye envy kamu!

dlu en, (eceh nk cite gak tu) i've dis BIG obsession on this one guy...utk kwn2 yg rapat,dorg tau aku suke tgk tgn,rambut,dan ......takleh bgtau lagi satu...sume nk bgtau lemak ah.! haha.kidding2..erm anyways mmg xnk gtau pon :D..tpi mcm klo usha smone i'll usha those parts la kn..ngee..n then there's this one person who i think has the perfect or at least almost perfect utk criteria2 itu..haha..n i was like so obsessed,smpai mcm laki tuh bleh nynyi lagu mariah carey "obsessed" tu kt dia tak nynyi la,tapi dats how much obsessed i am to him..grrr...tapi kisah nye obsession tu tak lame..sbb...ade je yg dtg dan meng-less-kan obsession saye kpd org itu..tapi en..snanye i'll never stop obsessing on him ouh..i just won't tell u guys anymore la..heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now u know :D:D

baik,the main reason for this post? aku pon taktau weh.its 5am already n i haven't sleep yet okeh..i hate winter..sejuk awi2..nk balik Malaysiaaaaaa!!!! grrr..ouh.mungkin itu obsesi saye.kepada Malaysia..gilebabi patriotik siot..wahh bangge2! i am proud to be Malaysian..i am proud to live harmoniously there..i am glad of the super nice road n drainage system,the kindness and hospitality of our people,the super nice cars,the habuk-less environment ( go green bebeh.haha tibe2),the nasi lemak,the nasi dagang,the roti canai,the ane,the ameerali,the fareez maju,the traffic lights,the Bandar Baru Bangi,my house my family my fishes my room my bed my clothes yg tak bwk cni OHMYGODIMISSEVERYSINGLETHINGINMALAYSIARIGHTNOW! homesick.........................uhuk.

saye perlu tidur.ouh n btw gossips itu kdg2 mnyusahkan dow.haih.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

lets get random

1. no matter what happends, just follow what your heart tell you to do.

2. terima kasih fendi blanje kami makan..saye kenyang + sedikit happy tadi :)..sungguh lawak penyataan fendi di dalam teksi itu..hahahahahaha. ;p

3. i hate it when people starts to ignores me.especially when i don't know the reasons why.dont you find it annoying,to feel like people surrounds you is acting weird and kinda like,avoiding u or smthing?? i mean..what the hell is wrong with you? what have i done wrong??

4. it's 1.43am in Egypt, and im still awake..not studying,but reading people's blog. -_-"

5. eh,korang tau kan,aku blog bile jiwe kacau?

6. my nose bleed.seasons changing sucks.

7. i don't know what will make me happy right now..1 thing 4 sure,i miss my mom so much..things work differently without her..i have so many questions to ask her,too many things to tell her,too many stories to share with her..but hey,Allah loves her more aite..lagipon,org cakap mati akibat penyakit ni insyaAllah dosa terhapus.kalau ya mcm tu,alhamdulillah..

8. bayangkan perasaan sesorang tu bila doktor tu sendiri yang cakap, " ur mom has only 50% chances to 1st,d infection is only at the lung,n her chances was about 75%,and now it has invade d blood..and so,her chances is only 50-50..but don't worry,we'll try our best...u just pray for her ok..." and i pray for God to stop the suffering..bcoz it is sad to see her lying in bed with all the tubes inside her..seriously.

i seriously don't know what kind of doctor i'll be.

9. jiwa kosong la gileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........................................................

- oke ini sudah terlalu random. haha..marilah insaf dan tidor supaya esok boleh bangun pagi dan sambung belajar..ayyyooohhhhh....!! -